yes, i did just put this in a facebook note.

Mar 11, 2008 14:14

I've begun to realize how much of a waste of time and money college is. It's a trap. Kids are pretty much forced to spend at least 4 years of their young adult life learning something that probably isn't going to have much of an impact on their life afterwards. At least I feel this is my position. As I get older, I realize how much I love learning..and I wish I could just learn for the sake of learning, not to take prescribed classes so I can get a degree. I could spend my money learning something I really history or art...but neither of those are going to do my any real good when I graduate. I don't want to be a teacher or an artist. I would like to have a steady job to sustain myself. I know those aren't the only options for those avenues, but if I wanted to further my options for a job in that field I would have to go to school longer.

I don't think it's fair for families to have to shell out thousands upon thousands of dollars on their child just so they can get a "better than average" job. Especially now that "better than average" jobs STILL mean you barely make enough money to live, let alone pay your mortgage. Sweet.

It makes me sick how this economy is doing. Prices for everything are going up. Including wheat. People now have to pay more for bread. Tuition is going up. Gas is more expensive now in real dollars than it was during the OPEC crisis in the 70s. Granted, its still cheaper than pretty much everywhere else...But people are making LESS in real dollars than they were decades ago. So basically we're earning less and paying more for the same stuff.

And I'm paying 8k out of MY OWN pocket (rather, a loan that I will be paying off from my own pocket) on top of the 10 that my parents are and the 8 that I get from being smart. I know i'm in a better position than some, but still. Other countries pay less for the whole term than we do for one year.

I dont know...I guess what I'm trying to say is that college is no longer the luxury it once was. It's now a necessity, but the luxury price tag hasn't changed.

I'm going to school to get a degree that will (hopefully) guarantee a decent job for me in a field I am midly interested in. However, I will probably leave that job when I want to have a family because (everybody prepare yourselves...) I really just want to be a mom. GOD FORBID. I want to be able to afford to have a family, so I guess that's why I'm in business school getting a marketing degree rather than an art history degree. I want to be able to have a family and live as comfortably as my family did/does. And be there for it. I hate nannys. I want to be the one to take care of my kid - not some random full-time babysitter.

It frustrates me to no end that I have to go through this route to accomplish what was the norm 50 years ago.

It's times like these when I really just want to leave school and move to another country where so much isn't expected from you.

gah. I just don't understand. This really isn't where I want to be, but I can't get away from it without throwing away everything I want to become.

It's a vicious cycle.

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