Your Karma, Me [original]

May 05, 2008 08:47

Title: Your Karma, Me
Claimer: This is my work.
Rating: 13+
Warnings: mention of rape
Awards: Total genious in I hate him/her
Notes: The challenge was to write about someone you hate without naming them. I just churned this out, using some lines that I'd saved over a year ago in case they happened to fit a poem or lyrics I wrote later.

I don't do poetry, and this is an example of why. I have no real sense of how to write it. But it's being posted anyway, because I like to keep track of what I'm doing nowadays.

so many atrocities
I’d like to commit upon you
for the pain I’ve felt
you’ll be fortunate to never know

the haze of alcohol
and the plastic, swirling world
created by the “roofie”
slipped into the veins; unaware
stumbling in the hands of a stranger
groping at breasts; beneath the skirt
foul and vile and slimy with evil

the nightmares plague
my corpse upon the alter
violated by the wild-eyed priest;
strangers haunting my past
causing my sister to scream
her terror ripping through my chest
striking me still with fear;
the rushing of violation
swiftly toward me
and I cannot wake

as I try to tell you
words stick to my throat
choked down like acidic bile
How can I speak of it?
You’ll never understand
stumbling down the stairs
to find your father sleepless
staring at the hated television
for nightmares haunt him, too

But I force the unwanted
because we must be friends
And with your four words:
“You asked for it”
the cold fury wakens me

Throw you in a cold locked room
falling face-first to the floor
what they did to me, they'll do to you
screaming vengeance! more! more! more!
You didn't just stab me in the back
you broke every bone beneath your heel
and laughed

I don’t believe in hell
but now I wish I did
for the only after-life you “ask for”
is the wretched eternal heat
and flame and anger and sorrow
that is the mythical

Dedicated sincerely unto you
because I “asked for it;”
I sign this as simply:
Your Karma, Me
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