Glossy madness

Jul 19, 2006 13:06

A good friend who used to run a magazine had been wanting to relaunch it as a web based experience with added music and video, and it seems he’s achieved this (god knows how considering where he was last year; but he’s very good at doing the impossible). Anyway, he asked for feedback from me, and I’ve given him some; but I was wondering if some of you lot, who have far more experience of browsing such formats than me, could come up with any comments on it.

First; the warning: it’s composed of a number of large flash files, so any of you on dial-up will require patience.  I’m either viewing it dial-up or superfast LAN, so I have no idea what it’s like on standard broadband.

As to what you’re getting: well there’s a couple of highlight pieces from his old mag (one of the last ever interviews with Timothy Leary, video of Franko B, the performance artist), which I think are there to set the tone of what he wants to bring to this; there’s some pretty fashion; some gorgeous photos of a particularly stunning corner of London’s club scene, naked women, and some stuff that I’d call ‘editorial light’. Watch out, as it’s scattered with little buttons that let you have ‘extras’ (music, videos etc) and some of them are well worth clicking, while others just seem to slow things down.  What I want to know is:-

·       What do you think of the medium for delivery, how easy is a it to navigate, is it a pleasurable or irritating way to view a ‘magazine’, does it take an acceptable amount of time to arrive at your computer?

·       What do you think of the aesthetic?

·       Does it have any content of interest? What could improve it?

·       Anything else you might think about it.

Click the link below to take you there. Any feedback will be gratefully received and passed on to him.  Hope you enjoy it - and you are allowed to say if you don’t!


dont, jiro

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