Sep 21, 2007 10:29
WELLLA it's been YEARS since I've last wrote anything in here because honestly, I haven't really felt up to it but toDAY I just thought I would.
There is loooots to talk about but I will just talk about a few things that have happened recently...
Last week, I went down to the beach for a day, because my dad was doing some business down there.
Last time I had went it was YEARS ago with a class(for that day anyway I originally went with my dad, sis and mother before well....not gonna go further on THAT subject)it ended up turning sour because my shoe slipped off cause of the sticky, muddy sand, which caused me to step on a jagged shell of some kind. Then a few kids laughed at me which it was NOT funny because it HURT LIKE CRAZY, AND ON TOP OF THAT I HAD TO WALK FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE ANOTHER HOUR BEFORE I COULD CLEAN IT UP AND PUT A BAND-AID ON IT!!!! ALL I HAD WAS SOME STUPID BABY WIPES AND THAT DIDN'T HELP!!! BLAH!!! And the day before that, I had got VERY sick off of some bad fish, and got NO sleep because every few minutes I thought I was gonna be sick(never did of course) and it went on into the next morning, and I couldn't eat ANYTHING except for a spoonful of some grits and a sip of water WOO HOOO HOW FUN!
Well the day after the whole seashell fiasco, and also the last day we were there, I visited an old fort from the Civil War era. Which was really cool although there were some places shut off because of danger and/or they were fixing it up...
So anywaay, that day STARTED OFF good until I was walking down some steep, old steps and I TRIPPED THE WHOLE FRICKEN WAY DOWN cause of my STUPID self. I wore flip-flops instead of tennis shoes! Anyhoo it was fun, and I saw very interesting things about how the soldiers lived during those times, when they were there at the fort during the war.
OOKAY, well we left there and went down to the beach one last time. This time I wore tennis shoes (why I don't know lol) and I noticed that one of my shoes smelled weird, almost like mama dropped it in the toilet GROOOOOOSS!! But I figured that was impossible and went on my merry little way. So enough about THAT beach trip onto last week....
I had a SUUUPER time and I walked up and down the beach for awhile, until these weird hippie type ppl came down there(no offense but that's what they were) and by then daddy motioned that it was time to go, which I was grateful for because those ppl where really starting to freak me out....So after that we (daddy, my sister, the man my dad was working with, and his girlfriend) went to this fish place that was good, even though they didn't give you much food it was still good.
There's ALOT more I would tell, but this entry has got kinda long so until next time!!!