May 28, 2010 14:37
Well here's my luck in a nutshell. I was invited to staff at Gencon under presumption airfare/hotel is paid for by con in return for staffing. Was informed by person who invited me later that they decided to be, and I quote, "money-grubbing whores" and all new staff has to "pay their dues" and pay for flight/hotel.
And I do really want to go and in investigating airfare it's actually affordable. I've expressed to Mike to investigate it since well, if you ask me to go tough shit no takesy backsy!
Anyway, I've decided since I'm moving soon anyway to sell my books online because I don't reread them anymore. Maybe some DVDs too. I'll be selling them on and when that's all set if any of you guys wanna buy anything PLEASE DO.
(granted, 80% of my books are romance novels, but the GOOD SHIT, not Harleqeuin)
I figure if I'm ditching them I might as well get some money in the process.