May 04, 2011 20:32


This will forever be known as The Costume With All The Buckets because between fire_ban and I, we used about eight buckets of varying sizes and drilled over 600 holes with the electric drill.

By which I mean,

Jo was fabulous, kthnx.

Also, everyone thought she was a boy. She had fangirl. Fangirls that followed her around, wanting to touch her bare and manly chest. Fangirls who came up to ask for a photo who, after speaking to her with her girly voice, were very disappointed and also somewhat confused about the orientation.

I don't actually blame them because that manly six pack [bronzer! and an eyeshadow brush!] was very convincing jkjkajkwe

Sadly, our Basara group whittled down from over 10 to just seven. But, we did bump into another Yukimura!

His face is best described as: o___o;;
[but isn't he adorable? kjajkjkawe. ahaha, SO SO STARTLED.]
From left to right: kaorismash as Nouhime, self as Oichi, o___o;;, orenjimaru-sama as Mitsunari, fire_ban as Yukimura and animesque as Keiji.

I was very distressed the entire day also.

I built my armored skirt out of buckets so they uh, flared properly and were nice and stiff and like... Not as tragic as it could have very easily been - but buckets don't actually have any give to them.

Surprisingly, someone recognised me from Manifest last year. I guess the hair and the uh... lack of pants. ;; Or something.

And then we got on stage.

I am not sure why we got on stage. It was a terrible idea and also, a terrible skit and featured moments like this:

Where Keiji is terribly startled.

And then, Yukimura is terrible dead.

Much to my confusion.

Sasuke is a very good ninja, though.

;A; Forever alone...

... Except that when he was dragging Yukimura to the side of the stage he uh... tugged. A bit too much. AND YUKIMURA FELL OFF THE STAGE WITH A VERY LARGE THUD.

I... there is video. No one is allowed to see, because we were awful and it sadly did not capture the visuals [ONLY THE AUDIO. OF. A VERY LARGE THUD] and ahsahjdhhjahjjhajhhjawe YUKIMURA FELL OFF THE STAGE LOLLING FOREVER.

We're all perfectly in proportion here. XD By which I mean, every single person was 25cm shorter than their character was meant to be, but given we're in proportion to EACH OTHER...

Also, Sasuke is my favourite ninja and I own him because, AHAHAH. >:D Yukimura sold him to me for six yen. [<- true!]

I have claimed him because, with my high maintanence costumes, I spend most of the day unable to do anything for myself and he did everything including do up my shoes for me. ♥

The next day, because we were VERY TIRED and some costumes are woefully uncomfortable to wear,

Jo went as Minato from P3.

And me? I guess you could say

Her ultra creepy snake persona. ♥

Unfortunately, not a very good one ;A;


My group! Okami, mk II.

Also known as 'You guys look great! ... So, where are you from? 8D;; ... . . . never heard of it... but uh, you guys look great!'

Third time I've worn this costume, now. 8D Because a few weeks prior, the cosplay community as a whole were asked to help out at a fundraiser for Japan.

At the Okami shoot, we did our thing for the Prayers from Cosplayers vanity site so we thought, money where your mouth is! And put our ridiculously flashy hobby for a good cause.

+ the organiser! 8Db


But well, we had our buckets and [after an hour or two] our signs and shamelessly asked people for money for about five hours straight ;A;

By which I mean, some of the more confident ones went up and asked for money.Miku shoved the bucket in the face of anyone who asked to touch her wig.

Kaori and I stood on a corner and waited for people to come to us, as the most highly visible idiots around. 8D; You want a photo? PAY US D<

But I think, the universal favourite was Kirby.

For being AMAZING. Though, the tiger was also very loved. We probably should have all gone in our kigurumi and just been furry at people until they gave us all their cash.

Perhaps next time. D<

But I know none of you are really in for the photos so much as my terrifyingly humiliating exploits and sort of amazing stalker tendancies so, let me tell you about the guy behind us in the cosplay comp.

Vega. Street fighter, or something. Who knows. I care not, only that he would actually maybe look decent in this costume - Guan Suo, the metrosexual husband-to-be of ninja stalker Bao Sanniang.

And I only realised in hindsight, so, I did not creeper onto him at the con because everyone scares me and I don't like talking to people, omggg ;A; Or maybe because I am a snob and just stick to the three people I know XD;


The mX is our trashy free tabloid that comes out at about 3pm on weekdays, in time for the afternoon rush and EVERYONE who catches public transport or passes through the city during that time reads it. It has a small section called 'Here's looking at you!' where people who creeper on others on PT can leave anonymous messages to 'the cute girl in the blue t-shirt on the 5:32 Lilydale train from Flinders ♥' but well...


Also, a week after the con, we were invited out to celebratory drinks for the Japan Fundraiser. I... I tend to tell stories. And when I tell stories, I tend to embellish and flail and like...
... people really shouldn't listen to me.

By which I mean, there were conversations where I said things like, "I am stalking this guy, you see." and "Well, I really want to dress him up and stalk him more." and "WELL, YOU COULD CALL IT A COSPLAY CRUSH IF YOU LIKE. But, more like, he'll fit the costume! I should know- he was naked :o" except with a lot more hand gestures.

So, after drinks, one of the guys went home, went on facebook, and found him for me.


I do not even know, world. IT IS CRUEL.


I just. ...


And then I facestalked him, he added me back, I creepered onto his dA and he is, frankly, not as I remembered him and also draws really terrifying gory/grotesque art and NO ONE IS TO SPEAK OF THIS EVER AGAIN KJJKAWE.

The end ;A;

Photocredit mainly to Elaine Ho lainex and Neil Creek as the filename or watermark apply. :3

... too many photos. 8D Next time, the story of the Kigurumi shoot and how a bunch of tiny asian animals ganged up and killed a white girl. ♥
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