Third post of the year and I'm already telling the masses how insane I am.
Err... Let me clarify.
When my dearest mother got a hold of my PSAT scores, she was, shall we say, less than pleased. As punishment (it's against the 8th Amendment, I'm telling you; " cruel and unusual punishment..."), she banned internet from my room, which is why I'm now on my sister's computer. More on that later. If I remember, which I doubt I will.
What is a poor girl to do without her favorite pastime(s)? Well, instead of committing myself to schoolwork, which was what Mom was aiming for, I... cleaned. And did chores. >.< The very idea.
When my dad woke up from the ridiculously loud vacuum that I was using, he was very impressed and tried to convince me to finish what I started and clean the rest of the house. In response, I laughed. My mom basically told me something was terribly wrong with me and I should stop using whatever drug(s) I was taking since I was scaring her silly. Well, perhaps not in those exact words, but one gets the picture.
For the record, I do not do drugs. Despite popular opinion.
And for those of you who were expecting me to rant about finals, here it is: I have not studied and probably won't do so despite my better judgment. I know what you're thinking, "What better judgment?" Haha. Very funny.
Xanga now has the strike option. Hehe. Everybody learns from LJ. XD
And yes, this is X-posted in Xanga. Bleh.
Also, as a side note, you people are all insane.
waltzsfinale especially, since he admitted to it; no sane person of insanity would admit that.