Double shifts have started back up at work. I did one yesterday and was asked to come in today. I said "no" thanks to the weekly side job I took cleaning for one of my mom's clients. Working three hours of the side job yields more pay than three hours on one shift with almost none of the stress. But sitting at home and thinking about it I changed my mind. I suppose I could do the late double today, Philadelphia Weekly tomorrow, and then my cleaning job on Thursday, and relax a little on Friday, I hope. Of course it never quite works out that way.
Between people wanting to randomly stop by to see the house (because it is for sale) and having to constantly clean the place, and random errands for others, time seems to be in limited supply. Anyway, today people are supposed to be seeing the house (they never showed up yesterday) and I guess there's time to do a little cleaning before work. With luck I'll be able to finish some entries for
the blog, call my loan officers about deferring my student loans again, and make an appointment to see the doctor for an annual check-up. Other than the blog, I'm not looking forward to doing any of those things.
On a final note before I go, I did finish watching Code Geass on Sunday.
I wasn't sure exactly how the show would end, though my suspicions on some events were correct-- just not the huge final twist in the end. Given everything, the ending really is satisfactory in a bittersweet kind of way. As I sit and think about it, I can't imagine Code Geass ending any other way given the changes made in season two. This series' ending deserves a full post, so hopefully it'll be my next post when I get time to actually write. Then I'll have to chance to tackle this show for a review on Damage Control. If I was smart I'd split the series up into two seasons like I'm doing with Gundam 00, but I really want to save time on doing the review. Then again, I can do the review whenever I feel like it, and the first season is readily available to watch on Bandai's Youtube Channel. Maybe I'll flip a coin or something.