Politics and strange things in the front yard...

Sep 12, 2008 11:32

I've reached a point where the idea of watching the news or anything on network TV fills me with dread. Why? It's all politics! By that I'm referring to election and presidential politics that have been figuratively shoved into the eye sockets of people everywhere. It's amazing how much time has been devoted to election coverage on TV, and yet it feels like so little has been learned from that coverage. Somewhere between the cherry picked facts and outright lies when do people say, "enough is enough," and demand something more? What happened to that promise from both campaigns to run respectable TV ads? I wasn't really holding my breath on that one but it would have been nice to see that "promise" honored. It seems that If I want to know something about the issues beyond neat little sound bites I'll have to stick with print media (ie, newspapers and magazines) and their online counterparts.

If I didn't have satellite TV I would be ready to unplug the set. Fortunately, odd combinations of the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network are readily available. There's also an extensive DVD backlog that I need to get started on in addition to video games. With the DVDs alone I should be set from now until November 5th, with the exception of taking a break to actually go out and vote on the 4th.

Home life has been okay when I've chosen to be productive. Yesterday I went outside to do the daily rounds of keeping the yard trash free (which is surprisingly hard to do in a city like Philadelphia) and found some interesting stuff growing along the fence. The first was a strange fruit or vegetable tangled up within the bed of flowers that the "evil" neighbors haven't drowned, yet.

-This little guy comes courtesy of the other next door neighbors that we're on okay terms with. Occasionally they give us fruit and vegetables from their garden, but this is the first time that we've actually had their produce growing on our side of the fence.

-This one must have been growing for quite some time but I just noticed it yesterday. How I could have missed seeing something almost watermelon sized in our own yard is beyond me. Now, I'm curious to know exactly what is growing on the fence. It's it a fruit or a vegetable?

Now, back to house work and chores.

life, bored, wtf???, politics

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