I joined in the
Firefox 3 Download Day yesterday. Considering how slow Firefox 2 ran on my system I wasn't sure that I would like 3.0. I then read an article at Wired.com where Firefox had been tested and many of the problems of previous browser had been fixed, including memory leaks. That sealed the deal for me and I downloaded the browser with gusto.
It's been more than a day now and I have to say that I'm impressed with 3.0. It is indeed faster than 2.0 was and best all the extensions that I rely on still work. Some of them were incompatible at first but by the end of the day they were updated and made compatible. All in all, I don't regret the switch that I made from IE several years ago (even with Firefox 2).
Other than updating my browser I've been playing Crisis Core and experimenting with home brewed iced coffee since I found the ten cup coffee maker. My play through of Crisis Core has been frustrating at times, especially with the leveling up system. The decision to make leveling up based on luck and some kind of obscure experience points system that you never see is not something I like in an RPG. Call me old fashioned but I like the fact that when you work at something you're rewarded with definitive results, not something that feels arbitrary. If I didn't play though and finish Final Fantasy II I would have declared Crisis Core my least favorite stat gaining Final Fantasy game (played so far). Everything else about the game is enjoyable, and storyline wise I'm pretty close to the end of the game.
My iced coffee also came out pretty good tasting. Testing it right after work probably means that I might not be able to sleep well tonight but it was worth it. It has just the right amount of bitter taste, but the glass I made was a little too sweet. I already added sweetener to the coffee after it brewed and I wasn't sure if I added too much or too little, so I added more to my glass. Definitely used too much sweetener, but it wasn't unbearable. I'm also wondering if for the next batch I should go with real sugar or stick to sweetener, but I haven't made up my mind yet. Hopefully tomorrow morning's glass will be *just* right. Though my stomach is in an forgiving mood tonight and that always seems to happen after I drink coffee after work.