I Miss Sleep-in Saturdays.

Mar 27, 2008 23:28

It's definitely that time of year again when projects are piled on top of each other. Crossing the finish line in May probably won't be so much a graceful sprint as it will be an awkward stumble. But hey, getting there is getting there right?

As far as I can tell my Saturday mornings will be filled with school work activities and cross-city ventures. This Saturday I'm taking a trip down to Northern Liberties to finish up a video piece with my group members for the MURL team assignment. As I've mentioned earlier that one is actually coming along well for us. My part of the assignment in addition to helping out with the video is to take pictures of the artwork in the area. I came across several images that I want to use so I should have enough, I hope. If worse comes to worse I can always take more pictures on Saturday.

As for MURL it seems like everyday there's a new reason to utter the usual "WTF?" as I scratch my head in bewilderment. First all groups regardless of their journalism sequence had to turn in video assignment for the team enterprise stuff. Our professors painfully and boringly stressed the importance of video, multimedia and convergence in journalism for weeks so I felt it was important. NOW I'm hearing that groups don't have to do work with video and can get away with simple audio/visual slide shows in Adobe Flash (if they ask the print sequence professor). What the hell is that? I was pretty sure that at least every group regardless of major had to work with video and video editing for each team assignment. Now the professors want to change their minds? I'm not sure what to think, maybe I shouldn't think about it.

In fact I'm going to enjoy the entertainment as some people are taken back by this sudden change of policy come next class meeting. Regardless if some groups do better with flash slide shows than groups doing video, I'm sticking with video since that was supposed to be the original plan. Now, should I bring coffee or popcorn to the potential in-class drama-fest?

Speaking of flash slide shows the next one for Publishing to the Web is due on April 9th. I'm contacting people to talk to and interview for the audio parts of the slide show but it seems that I can only get city officials to talk to me around April 7th about recycling here in Philadelphia. The event that I want to cover takes place on April 5th (which means another Saturday morning spent out and about) and I've e-mailed people to talk to about that. Of course if I don't get any replies by Monday I'm going to start calling them and or pounding on doors in person.

I'm also worried about getting a DS2 recorder from the equipment office. If I check it out on Friday but my last interview isn't until Monday afternoon (the recorder would be due back in the morning) then I have a problem. I wonder if I could ask in advance to extend the time I'll need with the recorder or if I should use some of my tax return money to buy my own DS2? The latter is a very tempting option but I'm not sure how often I would use it.

Although I'm looking forward to this enhanced slide show since my other one felt pretty lackluster in terms of actual activity. Covering an event with my camera and an audio recorder should be a blast. And since Northern Liberties is such an interesting place stopping in for breakfast or lunch would definitely be worth it.

Anyway, I'm off to the land of sleep. Thanks to getting up extra early and running around for projects I've been suffering from tiredness and aches at week's end. I'm going to look forward to sleeping in tomorrow, even if I'm deprived of that luxury during the weekends.

wtf???, classes, school

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