I've finally finished another semester at the University. Once I get my grades back, I'll finally be a college senior. My time at Temple with half-time status will be at an foreseeable end.
My journalism and the law final itself didn't seem to be that hard. There were some questions that I didn't get to fully review that gave me a hard time, but I answered every question, including the extra credit one. There was also a give away question at the end of the test. If that one had been any easier, each answer to the question would have been the same or there would have literally only been one answer to pick. I just hope that I'm able to get an A in every class this semester; it would be a welcome GPA boost.
So, on the way home I stopped at Game Crazy and picked up my copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I was told that for the pre-orders only twelve copies shipped, when forty had been pre-ordered. So I was lucky to be able to get a copy right away. The guy at the counter also talked me into pre-ordering a copy of Phoenix Wright: Justice for All, the sequel to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I had originally planned to go to Game Stop in order to get a free Phoenix Wright stylus for my DS. However, Game Crazy offered me a much better deal for the pre-order. I ended up getting a Castlevania 20th anniversary collection set. The set included an art book, a stylus, a case to hold DS games, a Castlevania time-line and the soundtrack (or a short collection of them). Take that Game Stop. =p
Now, I have enough Nintendo stuff (Wii not included) to keep me from even looking at my Playstation 2 for a while: