It's not my fault your job sucks more than mine.

Sep 19, 2006 23:43

Dear annoying part-time supervisors,

Don't take your bad days out on us, the hourly employees. We really don't care if your wife left you, you got bad grades in school or if you couldn't get laid to save your life and it contributed to your bad day. Bad day, bad mood or whatever, it's no reason to take it out on the hourlies. We're just here to do our jobs, get paid a meager sum and go home and enjoy the rest of our night. We don't want to hear your nitpicking, bitching or other variety of moaning and groaning. Nor do we want to hear YOUR sob stories. The moment you left the union to supervise is the moment you gave up a great deal of your worker's rights. Don't blame us because management can chew you out and fire you without as much as a second thought. Since you have no union, no one will fight to keep your jobs. It's not like you can fire us, because thanks to our union 98% of the time, we'll be back. Finally, don't get angry at us and try to kick us off the clock early because we make more than you. It's not our fault that you only get paid twice a month, that you must donate 12% of your pay to charities and that you have to pay for your own health care. We knew better, that's why we chose to remain as hourlies and not supervise.

So to cut matters short, your bitching is really getting old. So old in fact that, filing a grievance or three (making your job that much harder) sounds good at times (if the need arises). You just wait until peak season and bad weather arrives. Just wait until you find out that you don't get a choice when it comes to working on Sundays. Feel the bitterness as you'll have to ask the hourlies to volunteer time, where yours will be unconditionally required. Yes, I'm looking at you, newbie supervisors.

Un-caringly yours,
One very annoyed husky

work-sucks, peoplesuck, supervisors, work

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