A return to the normal rambles.

May 01, 2006 03:58

Weekends simply pass too quickly. At the very least I would consider it to be a fairly good weekend.

I was woken up before 8:30 on Saturday morning and ended up being a chauffeur for a day. My mother's SUV was in the shop and she had errands to run. So I ended up driving her around from the morning until a good part of the afternoon. Along the way I found myself too tired to drive, so I rested for a while in the passenger's seat while sipping on iced coffee. When I finally got home, I ended up filling out bills and joining TBL chat around 6pm. Fortunately by that time my mom had her SUV back and Lamonica was out at her sister's house. So I was alone for quite a while and enjoying myself in chat. Since I don't have much to do homework wise, I'll probably be in chat a little earlier from now on. Unless I'm out with friends for the day or doing other things that ultimately keep me away from the computer. That may or may not be a bad thing, depending on your perspective.

Yesterday was another early morning, even as I left TBL chat around 1am. I was up again around 9, because it was the day that the new kitchen floor was to be installed. The installers didn't need much help, so I ended up not doing much of anything. To pass the boredom, I played Final Fantasy I for a while and actually finished the game. I found Chaos to be one of the longest fights in the game to date. He was tricky at times, but overall it was not a hard fight. I made a separate save file and decided to try the optional bosses in the various shrines. I'm not sure if I'm going to to that before starting Final Fantasy II or just go back and forth. I'm rather eager to see what FF2 plays like, so I might just go back and forth.

Returning to home decorating, the kitchen floor installation was finished around noon. All in all, the new tiles look pretty good, especially when compared to the old ones. The old ones were a light gray color and always appeared dirty, even after cleaning them. So my mom went with a sandy colored floor, with splashes of pink in the mix. In the end, she decided to go with something that looked like titles, but was actually a solid floor. It should be easier to clean, and hopefully will last a long time. We also replaced the wooden kitchen chairs with nice metal ones, and placed a short rug under them to protect the new floor.

Later in the afternoon I started cooking dinner, and didn't really finish until around 7. After helping out with the dishes I ended up watching the new episodes of animation on Fox, but fell asleep through American Dad. Now I'm going to have to download the episode I missed because I really wanted to see how that ended. While I'm at it, I should go for last week's episode too. I also wonder if they're showing any new episodes of The Boondocks or not. I highly doubt it, but Adult Swim has been making a few strange moves as of lately.

Now that the weekend is over, study week begins now. I probably won't be around much until Thursday afternoon. At the very least it's nice to only have one final to do this year. It's just a shame that there won't be any group review sessions at the University. I can't help but get the feeling that this statistics class isn't very popular like the other math classes are (if all goes well, I'll never have to take another math class after Thursday).

chores, tv, videogames, studying, mathhatred

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