I predict a very busy week ahead, just like last week was. The only difference is what I won't be at work, but enjoying a vacation instead. With the exception of today of course.
cwtyger will be arriving in about 24 hours so I still have a bit of work around the house to do, as well as some errands to run. So updates after this entry will probably be short, if I do any at all.
However a quick recap of my week couldn't hurt, I think I'll even include a few pictures.
On Friday I woke up early and took my car in to get the starter changed. I went to a place down the street so I could walk home instead of waiting. The job took two hours and other than the mechanic mentioning something about clicking in my exhaust, everything went will. Unfortunately my car still refuses to start sometimes. However, I stumbled upon
this article and maybe it won't hurt to have the problem looked into, maybe after my vacation.
When I parked my car in the backyard, I waited for my ride to take me to work. Unfortunately Taalib was busy doing things for his parents and couldn't work a double shift. So he said he'd pick me up in time for the regular shift. Part of me welcomed the unexpected free time, while another part of me wanted to get a few extra hours on the clock. Either way, I passed the time by playing Pokémon Colosseum on the GameCube until about 3 or 4pm. I finally did get to work and was eager for my vacation to start.
On Saturday I got up early because Chris called me and told me he'd do my brakes at 7am. I got up that early but he was unable to do my brakes, because his kids were sick. Ah, getting anything from him seems to take forever. So I went back to bed and slept until about 10:30. My mom kept waking me up to talk about the most annoying things (they are annoying if you're trying to sleep!) and I woke up pretty annoyed. Did a few chores, then decided to drive around to do a few errands. That's when the car wouldn't start and I let the car sit a half hour before it was ready to go. Fortunately, I was able to make about 3 stops with it with no problems. Got home and did a few chores and joined TBL chat a bit late. While in TBL chat, I watched Balto 3 and made screen grabs for my website. When I finished the movie I had about 1800 different captures and narrowed them down to about 580. Left chat around 2am, after hanging up some laundry.
On Sunday I did the rest of the laundry as well as a bit of cooking. I was supposed to get my hair done, but by the time I was free from the chores my mom was too tired to do so. So when I finished the dinner dishes I clipped coupons as I watched Fox's Animation Domination on TV. All of the shows were reruns but still very much enjoyable. Personally I can't decide who's dumber, Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin. Though I think Peter is more of an ass than Homer most of the time.
Now for a few pictures off the digital camera:
-Remember I mentioned unloading trucks on Thursday? Well when I was done with the trucks, my shirt and the rest of me looked like this. It's amazing how sweat and dirt can mix to create burning sensation on the face. That was a very painful day, maybe it's a good thing I didn't go in for a double shift on Friday.
-Good bleach and stain treaters really do the trick. I feared this shirt would never be white again, but I was happily proven wrong.
-My dog and the neighbor's cat that lives across the driveway. Every time I let her out it's like the cold war or something. They both stare at each other for hours and that cat (knowing it's safe) makes a move that gets Jo-Jo agitated. I find it to be amusing, the poor girl will never learn.
I suppose I should get started on those chores now.