Mind Games at work suck.

Jul 26, 2005 02:41

I went in for my double shift this morning and I can't even say I enjoyed the trip there. I ended up catching the bus to work since I had to leave my car home. Well, I didn't have to but I wanted to finally get that chewed up antenna replaced, so I left a new one in the trunk for my step-dad to install. I thought I would be getting a ride with Taalib to work in his car, but he didn't drive either. Seems like there's always some interesting reason why he can't drive his car. It's either in need of repairs, the registration is suspended or it lacks insurance. It was the latter today, but I prepared myself in case I had to catch the bus. I'm just glad I called a while in advance to double check. As for the bus ride, I've never seen a driver take so many unnecessary turns to get to one place. It's amazing we weren't late for work but the trip was longer than it had to be. But I can't complain too much, it was free and convenient (sort of).

As for work, it was rather dull and horribly under staffed. When my area was clean I had to head out and help others. I didn't mind, since I needed the work and it wasn't my normal shift. However, it seems as if my co-workers could have cared less. They left the place a mess (a mess I ended up cleaning up on my own shift) and made it generally hard to venture around to help. Mesh bags were tossed everywhere creating a safety hazard and packages to backed up bins were carelessly left out in the walkway. I'm amazed I didn't trip and fall on anything. Then I heard from another co-worker that a big shipment of Chadwick bags were due tomorrow (in the time frame this entry refers to). They take so long to sort out that some people have to come in an hour earlier than everyone else. I remember being told last week that if I could come in around 11am I could help. This week I was told not to come in anymore. Which leaves me with Mondays as the only day that I can do a double shift.

Sounds pretty odd since the day shift barely has any of their own workers coming in. It seems like they could use all the help they could get. The need to not pay anyone must be greater than the need for getting the job done, especially since they leave most of the work for our shift. On the same note, I found that to be extremely unfair. Day shift people can work doubles on twilight all week, but yet twilight people are only limited to one day a week, even though the shift is under staffed? To make matters worse, other areas such as the unload or sort aisle have people from twilight working all week, yet small sort refuses to work interested people. I might talk to the full time supervisor to see if I could work something out. If not, I may talk to the union about it, because it seems that unfair to me. I could understand if the sort was overstaffed and didn't need any help or if there wasn't enough work to go around. But neither condition was the case today nor will it be tomorrow or even Wednesday. Meh, I hate work place politics.

As for my own sort, that went okay. As promised I was back in my usual spot though my sorter went on vacation. I got stuck with a day sorter doing a double and I think she was too tired to care where she put the packages. It's going to be a long week with her.

double-shifts, work-sucks, supervisors, work

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