Приехал на тестирование китайский коммутатор Maipu NSS4330-56TXP. Железка для пользовательского доступа с PoE. Так как оно умеет в стекирование, то решено было взять сразу две штуки, для его тестирования. Конфигурация - 48 пользовательских гигабитов с PoE и 6 SFP+ для аплинков и стекирования. (всё как я не люблю) Зато с двумя БП на борту.
Характеристики можно почитать
тут или
тут Итак, изначально на обоих железках сбрасываю все конфиги. Только с нуля, только хардкор.
bootloader-b6# # delete startup
The flag to delete startup file sets up successfully.
Структура CLI у железки взята от Cisco IOS, поэтому говорим волшебное ENABLE и вперед!.
Для начала соберем стек из коммутатров.
Соединяем коммутаторы между собой DAC кабелями...
Step 1 Configure Device0.
#On Device0, configure the virtual switching member device number as 0, configure the domain number as 10, and the priority is 255.
Device0#configure terminal
Device0(config)#switch virtual member 0
Do you want to modify member id(Yes|No)?y
% Member ID 0 config will take effect only after the exec command 'switch mode virtual' is issued
Device0(config-vst-member-0)#domain 10
% Domain ID 10 config will take effect only after the exec command 'switch mode virtual' is issued
Device0(config-vst-member-0)#priority 255
#On Device0, create virtual switch link interface 1 and add port tengigabitethernet0/0/53 and tengigabitethernet0/0/54 to the virtual switch link interface 1.
Device0(config)#vsl-channel 1
Device0(config)#interface tengigabitethernet 0/0/53-0/0/54
Device0(config-if-range)#vsl-channel 1 mode on
#Save the configuration on Device0.
Are you sure to overwrite /flash/startup (Yes|No)?y
Building Configuration...done
Write to startup file ... OK
Write to mode file... OK
Step 2 Configure Device1.
#On Device1, configure the virtual switching member device number as 1, configure the domain number as 10, and the priority is 200.
Device1#configure terminal
Device1(config)#switch virtual member 1
Do you want to modify member id(Yes|No)?y
% Member ID 1 config will take effect only after the exec command 'switch mode virtual' is issued
Device1(config-vst-member-1)#domain 10
% Domain ID 10 config will take effect only after the exec command 'switch mode virtual' is issued
Device1(config-vst-member-1)#priority 200
#On Device1, create virtual switch link interface 1 and add port tengigabitethernet0/0/53 and tengigabitethernet0/0/54 to the virtual switch link interface 1.
Device1(config)#vsl-channel 1
Device1(config)#interface tengigabitethernet 0/0/53-0/0/54
Device1(config-if-range)#vsl-channel 1 mode on
#On Device1, save the configuration.
Are you sure to overwrite /flash/startup (Yes|No)?y
Building Configuration...done
Write to startup file ... OK
Write to mode file... OK
Step 3 Configure the running mode of Device0 and Device1 as the VST mode.
#Configure the running mode of Device0 as the VST mode.
Device0#switch mode virtual
This command will convert all interface names to naming convention "interface-type member-number/slot/interface" ,
Please make sure to save current configuration.Do you want to proceed? (yes|no)?y
Converting interface names Building configuration...
Copying the startup configuration to backup file named "startup-backupalone"...
Please wait...system reloading is in progress!
Reset system!
Jul 30 2014 17:36:14: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
#Configure the running mode of Device1 as the VST mode.
Device1#switch mode virtual
This command will convert all interface names to naming convention "interface-type member-number/slot/interface" ,
Please make sure to save current configuration.Do you want to proceed? (yes|no)?y
Converting interface names Building configuration...
Copying the startup configuration to backup file named "startup-backupalone"...
Please wait...system reloading is in progress!
Reset system!
Jul 30 2014 17:36:20: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
Step 4: Check the result.
#On Device0, the VST system is formed and Device0 is the master device.
Device0#show switch virtual
Codes: L - local-device,I - isolate-device
Virtual Switch Mode : VIRTUAL
Virtual Switch DomainId : 10
Virtual Switch mac-address : 0001.7a6a.002d
--------------- VST MEMBER INFORMATION ------------------
CODE MemberID Role Pri LocalVsl RemoteVsl
---- -------- ------ ---- --------------- ---------------
L 0 Master 255 vsl-channel 0/1 vsl-channel 1/1
1 Member 200 vsl-channel 1/1 vsl-channel 0/1
После этого обновим прошивку коммутаторов. Она делается для всего стека сразу. Разбирать стек и прошивать по отдельности не надо. Я сделаю обновлениче через подключенную USB флешку.
MAIPU(config-fs)#dir ?
/flash Storage device: /flash
/syslog Storage device: /syslog
/usb Storage device: /usb
A directory or file name
MAIPU(config-fs)#dir /usb
Directory of /usb:
Size Date Time Name
------------ ------ ------ --------
93690037 Oct-12-2023 08:17:32 sp40-g-
Total 1
MAIPU(config-fs)#copy file-system /usb/sp40-g- file-system /flash/sp40-g-
Copying ..........OK!
MAIPU#sysupdate package device all file-system /flash/sp40-g- reload
Save current configuration to startup-config(Yes|No)?yes
Building Configuration...done
Write to startup file ... OK
Write to mode file... OK
%Succeed to write startup-configuration on slave!
Write to mvst mode file ...done
Do you really want to reload if update successfully? (Yes|No): yes
Downloading "/flash/sp40-g-" header...OK!
Checking "sp40-g-" header...OK!
image file version comparision:
Component Component version File version
Mpu 0/0
Mpu 1/0
The software version of the file to be upgraded is the same or newer as the currently used version.
Copying "sp40-g-" : ##########################################################################################OK!
Copy "sp40-g-" (93690037 Bytes) successfully!
Checking package file...OK!
Verify the image...valid
Writing file to filesystem.................
Start backup ios to raw flash..................................
%Sysupdate image is in process, please wait...
%Sysupdate image finished.
Update bootloader start.
%Sysupdate bootloader is in process, please wait...
Verify the webrom...valid
Writing file to filesystem..........OK
%Sysupdate web is in process, please wait...
%Sysupdate web finished.
Writing file to filesystem...OK!
%Sysupdate devinfo is in process, please wait...
%Sysupdate devinfo finished..
%Sysupdate pkgInfo is in process, please wait...
%Sysupdate pkgInfo finished.
package sysupdate result information list:
sp40-g- sysupdate result information list:
Mpu 0/0 - upgrade successfully.
Mpu 1/0 - upgrade successfully.
sz03-bootloader-n3- sysupdate result information list:
Mpu 0/0 - upgrade successfully.
Mpu 1/0 - upgrade successfully.
webrom-web-V10R001C100B082.rom sysupdate result information list:
Mpu 0/0 - upgrade successfully.
Mpu 1/0 - upgrade successfully.
devInfo_sw_maipu_V2.276 sysupdate result information list:
Mpu 0/0 - upgrade successfully.
Mpu 1/0 - upgrade successfully.
pkg_info.txt sysupdate result information list:
Mpu 0/0 - upgrade successfully.
Mpu 1/0 - upgrade successfully.
Please wait...system reloading is in progress!
Пример с sftp:
sysupdate package device all vrf xxx 172.23.xx.xx sp40-g- sftp admin password reload
Ну и получившийся конфиг
MAIPU#sh running-config
Building Configuration...done
! Current configuration : 13190 bytes
! startup vst mode
! Last configuration change at TMN(UTC+05:00) Fri Oct 13 16:04:41 2023 by admin
! Flash config last updated at TMN(UTC+05:00) Fri Oct 13 16:04:47 2023 by admin
! Configuration version 0.12
!software version
!software image file flash0: /flash/sp40-g-
!compiled on Mar 31 2023, 15:18:30
hostname MAIPU
clock timezone TMN 5
enable password 3asfg&565giplp encrypt
role audit-admin
description audit admin
role network-admin
description network admin
role network-operator
description network operator
role security-admin
description security admin
local-user admin class manager
service-type ssh
user-role network-admin
password 7 5fgfgeh3456wrg56jje0eaaa17a197ace20da
ip load-sharing per-destination
ipv6 load-sharing per-destination
ip access-list standard 1
1 permit host
domain system
link-aggregation 1 mode lacp
vlan 1
vlan 192
name VOIP-OV
vlan 208
name USER-OV
vlan 777
voice vlan 192 cos 7
voice vlan lldp-med authentication
voice vlan oui-mac a418.7528.7755 mask ffff.ffff.ffff name Cisco-a418.7528.7755
lldp run
!slot 0/0
interface gigabitethernet0/0/1
switchport access vlan 208
spanning-tree portfast edgeport enable
interface gigabitethernet0/0/48
link-aggregation 1 active
!slot 1/0
interface gigabitethernet1/0/24
switchport mode hybrid
switchport hybrid untagged vlan 1,208
switchport hybrid tagged vlan 192
switchport hybrid pvid vlan 208
spanning-tree bpdu guard enable
spanning-tree portfast edgeport enable
voice vlan enable
lldp med network-policy voice tag 192 l2-priority 6 dscp 46
lldp med-tlv-select capability
lldp med-tlv-select network-policy
interface gigabitethernet1/0/25
switchport access vlan 208
spanning-tree portfast edgeport enable
interface gigabitethernet1/0/48
link-aggregation 1 active
interface link-aggregation1
description Li-1 == ==Uplink LAG
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 192,208,777
switchport trunk pvid vlan 1
interface dc0
interface vlan777
ip address
interface null0
ip route
ntp enable
ntp server version 1 source vlan777
snmp-server start
snmp-server view default 1.2 include
snmp-server view default 1.0.8802 include
snmp-server view default 1.1.2 include
snmp-server view default 1.3.111 include
snmp-server view default include
snmp-server community 7 246578jgdfgbtd9208 view default ro 1
ip ssh server
mpls oam
!mode member information
switch mode virtual
switch virtual member 0
domain 10
priority 255
switch virtual member 1
domain 10
priority 200
!mode member end
!mode vsl information
vsl-channel 0/1
vsl-channel 1/1
!mode vsl end
!vsl mode
!slot 0/0
interface tengigabitethernet0/0/53
vsl-channel 0/1 mode on
interface tengigabitethernet0/0/54
vsl-channel 0/1 mode on
!vsl mode
!slot 1/0
interface tengigabitethernet1/0/53
vsl-channel 1/1 mode on
interface tengigabitethernet1/0/54
vsl-channel 1/1 mode on
Для работы голосового влана потребовалось прописывать voice vlan oui-mac. При наличии LLDP - никакой автоматики и это очень не порадовало. Российские коммутаторы вполне справляются с задачей.
При создании листа доступа для SNMP обратил внимание что изменения ACL требуют подтверждения. Это хорошо.
SNMP OID для температуры .
В целом - рабочая лошадка для нетребовательных потребителей. У меня например, телефон Cisco CP9951 не смог полуить по PoE электропитание для видеокамеры. Но такая задача не часто встречается.