Brocade. Fabric os. CLI.

Jun 28, 2022 09:44

Настроим FC коммутатор от Brocade через CLI

CLI в FabricOS отличается от привычного Cisco like CLI практически всем. Это скорее Unix like CLI. Соответсвенно от контекстной подсказки через TAB тут практически нет толку. Но в целом привыкнуть можно и через некоторое время начинаешь находить некоторую логику в происходящем.
Итак. Для начала сбросим всю конфигурацию к начальной.
switch:admin> configdefault -all

Админский пароль тоже сбросим
switch:admin> passwddefault

Активируем зону по-умолчанию
switch:admin> defzone -allaccess

Очистим конфигурации зон
switch:admin> cfgclear;cfgsave

Установим ip адрес.
switch:admin> ipaddrset
Ethernet IP Address []:
Ethernet Subnetmask []:
Gateway IP Address []:
DHCP [Off]: off

После этого можно подключиться по ssh.

Смотрим чего у нас в коммуторе воткнуто и настроено.
switch:admin> switchshow
switchName: switch
switchType: 71.2
switchState: Online
switchMode: Native
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 2
switchId: fffc02
switchWwn: 10:00:50:eb:1a:16:99:3c
zoning: ON (MAIN)
switchBeacon: OFF

Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto
0 0 020000 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:06:01:68:08:60:6a:d0
1 1 020100 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:06:01:62:08:60:6a:d0
2 2 020200 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:01:43:80:28:d1:b3:fa
3 3 020300 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:01:43:80:28:d1:b4:b6
4 4 020400 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:06:01:69:08:60:6a:d0
5 5 020500 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:06:01:63:08:60:6a:d0
6 6 020600 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:01:43:80:28:d1:b3:fe
7 7 020700 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:01:43:80:28:d2:1e:b6
8 8 020800 id N8 Online FC F-Port 21:00:00:24:ff:16:57:9a
9 9 020900 id N8 No_Light FC
10 10 020a00 id N8 Online FC F-Port 50:02:18:84:09:a0:7d:c5
11 11 020b00 id N8 Online FC F-Port 21:00:00:24:ff:7a:ad:78
12 12 020c00 id N8 Online FC F-Port 21:00:00:d0:23:0c:55:ae
13 13 020d00 id N8 Online FC F-Port 22:00:00:d0:23:1c:55:ae
14 14 020e00 id N8 Online FC F-Port 10:00:00:10:9b:ce:b7:09
15 15 020f00 id N8 Online FC F-Port 10:00:00:10:9b:ce:bd:a8
16 16 021000 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
17 17 021100 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
18 18 021200 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
19 19 021300 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
20 20 021400 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
21 21 021500 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
22 22 021600 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
23 23 021700 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled

Видим что из 24-х портов лицензии есть только на 16.
И видим что активные порты все в режиме F (про всё многообразие мира FC портов мы тут не будем. Ладно?)

Скорость порта можно настроить командой
switch:admin> portcfgspeed <порт>, <скорость>

switch:admin> tsclockserver «;»
switch:admin> tstimezone Europe/Moscow

Посмотреть лицензии
switch:admin> licenseshow

Добавить лицензии (хе-хе. Привет из 2022года)
switch:admin> licenseadd <лицензия>

Добавить юзера
switch:admin> userconfig -add user -l 1-128 -h 128 -r admin -c admin

Смотрим чего у нас изначально настроено.
switch:admin> snmpconfig --show snmpv1
Community 1: Secret C0de (rw)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 2: OrigEquipMfr (rw)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 3: private (rw)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 4: public (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 5: common (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet
Community 6: FibreChannel (ro)
No trap recipient configured yet

Теперь можно и настроить

switch:admin> snmpconfig --set snmpv1

SNMP community and trap recipient configuration:
Community (ro): [public]
Trap Recipient's IP address : []
Trap recipient Severity level : (0..5) [0] 3
Trap recipient Port : (0..65535) [162]
Committing configuration.....done.


Создание алиаса
switch:admin> alicreate «имя_устройства», «wwn устройства»

Список всех алиасов
switch:admin> alishow *

Удалить алиас
switch:admin> alidelete «имя_устройства»

Удалить WWN из алиаса
switch:admin> aliremove «имя_устройства», «wwn устройства»

Создание зоны
switch:admin> zonecreate «имя_зоны» , «алиас_порта_1;алиас_порта_2;алиас_порта_3»

Отображение созданных зон.
switch:admin> zoneshow *

Удалить зону
switch:admin> zonedelete «имя_зоны»

Добавить алиас в существующую зону
switch:admin> zoneadd «имя_зоны», «алиас»

Удалить алиас из зоны
switch:admin> zoneremove «имя_зоны», «алиас»

Показать актуальный зонсет
switch:admin> cfgshow «имя_зонсета»

Добавление зоны в зонсет
switch:admin> cfgadd «имя_зонсета», «имя_зоны»

Если необходимо указать несколько зон, то они перечисляются через ;

Удаление зоны из конфига происходит аналогично
switch:admin> cfgremove «имя_зонсета», «имя_зоны»

Удаление зонсета
switch:admin> cfgdelete «имя_зонсета»

Главное при работе с зонами и зонсетами не путать Delete и Remove! Delete - удаляет сущность, Remove - удаляет из сущности.
Последнее, что остаётся нам после работы с конфигом - сохранить его. Сохраняется текущая конфигурация, все те изменения, что мы внесли.
switch:admin> cfgsave

И собственно применение данного зонсета к фабрике
switch:admin> cfgenable «имя_зонсета»


Средства диагностики

Отсутствие устройства в фабрике

Неустойчивое соединение


Неверная конфигурация зоны

Физические проблемы между устройствами
Проверить прошивки HBA
Проверить ОС на хосте

Неверная конфигурация массива


Zoning Commands

alicreate “Name”, “domain,port#”
Used to create an alias

alicreate “Name”,”portname1; portname2″
To create multiple ports under a single alias

alidelete “Name”
To delete an alias

aliadd “Name”, “domain,port#”
To add additional ports to an alias

aliremove “Name”, “domain,port#”
To remove a port from the alias

alishow “AliName”
To show the alias configuration on the switch

zonecreate “Zone Name”, “alias1; alias2″
To create zones based on alias

zonedelete “ZoneName”
To delete a zone

zoneadd “ZoneName”, “alias name”
To add additional alias into the zone

zoneremove “ZoneName”, “alias name”
To remove an alias from the zone

zoneshow “zoneName”
To show the zone configuration information

cfgcreate “Configname”, “Zone1; Zone2″
To create configurations by adding in zones

cfgdelete “ConfigName”
To delete a configuration

cfgadd “ConfigName”, “Zone3″
To add additional zones in the configuration

cfgremove “ConfigName”, “Zone3″
To remove a zone from the configuration

cfgshow “ConfigName”
To show the details of that configuration

cfgenable “ConfigName”
To enable a configuration on the switch

To have the effective configuration to be written into the flash memory

Show Commands

Displays the status of the power supply

Displays the status of the fans

Displays the status of the temperature readings

Displays the status of the sensor readings

Displays information in the name server

nsshow -t
Displays information in the name server

nsshow -r
Displays the information in the name server along with the state change registration details

Displays detailed information of all the devices connected to all the switches in the fabric (Remote Name Servers)

Displays the 24 bit address of all devices that are in the fabric

Displays all the licenses that have been added in the switch

Displays the current date set on the switch

Displays the banner that will appear when logging in using the CLI or web tools

Displays the JAVA version the switch expects at the management console

Displays the name of the switch

Displays information of all the switches in the fabric

userconfig -show -a
Displays the account information like role , description , password exp date , locked status

Displays the overall status of the switch

Displays policy set for the switch regarding Marginal(Yellow) or Down(Red) error status

To show the port status

Displays the speed set for all ports on all slots and other detailed port information

configshow fabric.ops
Displays the parameters of the switch. Ensure all switches in a fabric have the same parameters in order to communicate

configshow fabric.ops.pidFormat
Displays the PID set for a switch Core , Native or Extended edge

switchuptime OR uptime
Displays the uptime for the switch

Displays the firmware on the switch

Displays the current firmware version on the switch

Displays the status of local and remote CP’s. High availability , heartbeat and synchronization

Port Settings

Displays the port settings

portcfg rscnsupr [slot/port] -enable
A registered state change registration is suppressed when a state change occurs on the port

portcfg rscnsupr [slot/port] -disable
A registered state change registration is sent when a state change occurs on the port

To assign a name for a port

To disable a port or slot

To enable a port or slot

To disable a port , status would not change even after rebooting the switch

To enable a port , status would not change even after rebooting the switch

To show the port status

portcfgspeed ,
To set speed for a port#te - 0:auto negotiated 1,2,4 Gbit/sec , 1 : 1Gbit/sec , 2 : 2 Gbit/sec , 4 : 4Gbit/sec

To set speed for all the ports on the switch Note - 0:auto negotiated 1,2,4 Gbit/sec , 1 : 1Gbit/sec , 2 : 2 Gbit/sec , 4 : 4Gbit/sec

Displays the speed set for all ports on all slots and other detailed port information

To set the port settings to default

To set the long distance mode . Default is L0(Normal), as per distance will display LE <=10 kms , L0.5 <=25kms , L1 <=50 kms, L2<=100kms , LD=auto , LS = Static

Used to disable a port from being a E port

Time and Date Settings

Displays the current date set on the switch

Instruction for the principal switch to synchronize time with the NTP server (specify the  ip address of the NTP server)

tsclockserver LOCL
Instruction to stop NTP server synchronization (Local time of the switch)

date mmddhhmmyy
To set the time of the switch when the NTP server synchronization is cancelled

tstimezone -5
To set the time zone for individual switches

License Commands

Displays all the licenses that are added in the switch

To add a new license to the switch

To remove a license from the switch

Based on Switch WWN

Banner Commands

Displays the banner that will appear when logging in using the CLI or web tools

To set the banner which will appear when logging in using the CLI or web tools

bannerset “”
To remove the bannerset (two quotes)

Password commands

To change the password for that particular login

passwdcfg -set -lowercase 3 uppercase 1 -digits 2 -punctuation 2 -minlength 10 -history 3
To set the password rules

passwdcfg -set -minpasswordage 1
To set the minimum password age in Days

passwdcfg -set -maxpasswordage 30
To set the maximum password age in Days

passwdcfg -set -warning 23
To set a warning for the expiration Days remaining

passwdcfg -set -lockoutthreshold 5
To set the account lockout thresh hold

passwdcfg -set -lockoutduration 30
To set the account lockout duration in Minutes

passwdcfg -setdefault
To restore the password policy to Factory settings (min length - 8, history -1 , lockoutduration - 30)

SNMP Commands

snmpconfig for 5.0 above fos

snmp config for fos below 5.0

for choosing the MIB’s for the snmp settings

User Configuration

userconfig -show -a / userconfig -show
Displays all the account information like role , description , password expiration date , locked status

userconfig -add john -r admin -d “John Doe”
To add a new account -r = role , -d = description

userconfig -show john
Displays all the information for the account john

userconfig -change -e no
To Disable an account , usually default a/cs like admin and user . But ensure before disabling the admin a/c there is another a/c with admin rights

userconfig -change -e yes
To Enable an account

Firmware commands

Saves the switch config as an ASCII text file to an FTP server

To restore a switch configuration from ASCII text file Note - Need to disable the switch before downloading the config file

configure => cfgload attributes : [y] => Ensure secure config upload / download : [y]
Fabric OS v 4.4 & above provides Secure File Copy Protocol (SCP) during upload or download of configurations

To download the firmware to be installed on the switch

To be run after installing the firmware on the switch

Displays the current firmware version on the switch

Needs to be run after installing the firmware. This does not include the post.

Needs to be run after installing the firmware. This includes the post.

Miscellaneous commands

To kill a particular session which is using telnet

To configure a switch

To switch off the quiet mode

quietmode 1
To suppress messages to the console

Displays the switch name

switchname “EXAMPLE”
To assign a switch name

To set the banner which will appear when logging in using the CLI or web tools

Displays the timeout time set for Telnet session on the switch

timeout 10
To set a specific timeout time for the Telnet session

switchuptime or uptime
Displays the uptime for the switch

To set speed for all the ports on the switch Note - 0:auto negotiated 1,2,4 Gbit/sec , 1 : 1Gbit/sec , 2 : 2 Gbit/sec , 4 : 4Gbit/sec

To reboot the switch without post

To reboot the switch with the post

Displays the overall status of the switch

Displays policy set for the switch regarding Marginal(Yellow) or Down(Red) error status

To change the policy set for the switch regarding Marginal(Yellow) or Down(Red) error status

#te, fc, brocade

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