PRTG: Автоподтверждение статуса упавшего сенсора.

Nov 15, 2019 13:43

Acknowledge a Sensor in Down Status Automatically

Step 1: Create a HTTP Notification

In PRTG's web interface, go to Setup | Account Settings | Notification Templates, click on Add new notification, and set up a new notification with the following values:

  • Notification Name: "Auto-Acknowledge Sensor Down"
  • Add an Execute HTTP Action
  • with the following content in the URL field:http:///api/acknowledgealarm.htm?id=%sensorid&ackmsg=Auto-Acknowledged&username=myusername&passhash=12345678Please check if your web interface uses http or https and replace by your PRTG server's IP address, and myusername and 12345678 by the values matching a PRTG user account with sufficient rights. You find the passhash in the user account settings. Instead of the passhash you can also use the password. Please see the API documentation for more details.
  • Click on Save

You have successfully created a notification that will acknowledge an alarm when triggered by a sensor.
Step 2: Create a Notification Trigger

Choose a sensor you want to set up auto-acknowledging for. On the sensor's detail page, click on the Notification Triggers tab. Click on Add State Trigger and add a notification for a Down condition, the Auto-Acknowledge Sensor Down. Click on Save.

When this sensor goes into a down state, the notification will be triggered and set the sensor to a "Down (Acknowledged)" status. In the sensor's message "Auto-Acknowledged" will appear.


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