Title: Corrections
Fandom: Law and Order
Rating: PG
Characters: Mike Logan and Phil Cerreta
Disclaimer: not mine
A/N: Written for
lawandorder100 prompt 'white out'. Also I've been watching the first few seasons of L&O recently :)
“Hey Mikey, can you hand me your white out?”
Logan looked over the desk to Cerreta, “What for?”
“What for?” he shot a disbelieving look at Logan, “So I can correct a mistake on this form wise guy.”
“What’s wrong with yours?”
“Mine’s all lumpy. Now how about we stop with the interrogation and you just give me the damn white out?”
“Hey no need to get touchy. All you had to do was ask.” Logan replied, pushing the small bottle across the desks.
“Right” Cerreta said, watching Logan try to hide a grin by looking down at his paperwork.