Title: Why Can't The English Speak English
Fandom: Buffy
Rating: G
Characters: Buffy & Giles
Disclaimer: not mine
A/N: written for
good__evil monster madness prompt 'wight'
Buffy mindlessly reached for another donut as she turned the page of the book in front of her.
“Hey Giles, I think I’ve found our guy. It’s called a wight.”
Giles glanced at what Buffy was reading.
“No this man was human. And whilst he was undoubtedly cruel, there’s no indication he was involved in any magics, so it’s fairly safe to assume he’s dead.”
“But it says that he was a wight!”
“Buffy” Giles explained “A wight is a Middle English word for a human being.”
“So why can’t they just say that!” she sulked, reaching for another book.