Title: A Moonlit Patrol
Fandom: Buffy
Rating: G
Characters: Buffy & Xander
Disclaimer: not mine
A/N: written for
good__evil monster madness prompt 'creature from the black lagoon'
“What a perfect night for patrolling, the moon is bright, the crickets are singing and all I can smell is swamp!” Xander complained as he trudged behind Buffy.
“You did volunteer to come” Buffy smiled “Besides, I’d take swamp smell over sewer smell any day.”
“True.” With that Xander perked up a little “What did Giles send you after anyway?”
“Some creature, big, black, smelly. Giles say the whole Creature from the Black Lagoon thing is true.”
“I thought the Creature from the Black Lagoon was Brooke Shields?”
“No, she’s from the Blue Lagoon”
“Huh. You learn something new everyday.”