Because otherwise I'll forget tomorrow...

Apr 30, 2011 02:47

And it's now technically tomorrow any ways.

Ugh, that moment when you are just trying to get into your washroom to brush your teeth and a huge spider scurries out of it instead. It was moving so quickly that I thought for sure it was a piece of dust, but no it was a huge spider. One that resisted being hit by my slipper and instead tried to scurry onto said slipper and I had to hit it with the other one. I'm still freaking out, does it show? Haha.

I think this in the biggest sign that the cats are getting really old. These giant, over an inch *sob sob* spiders have only been appearing for the last 6-8 months. And all in the same area. First there was the fun times of the one on the curtain, the *curtain* for gods sake. It was a spider, not a kitten, what was it doing climbing the curtain? And the one on the side of my filing box that I was able to whack with a shoe. Normal spiders just hang out on the floor or ceilings, but not these mutant giant ones that clearly know my weaknesses.

I should go back in there now... I don't want to...

The book came for the econ course. I can already tell (from glancing at the questions and stuff) that it seems to be the opposite of my worldviews. Great, I already know what to answer on the tests. I hope I don't get brainwashed by it. Many of the people I've met who've studied econ turn into people who see the world through an economic lens and who are very conservative. I prefer the idea that money/profit is not the bottom line, and that you have to add other lenses on top such as the social and green ones. But economists don't always seem to see things that way. I still remember the economic geog class at my first uni, where the business students and geographers had major debates over things and the business students views were terrifyingly narrow, while the geographers were trying to be a bit more creative to make both the profit and sustainable sides work.

List 6. Least Favourite Words:
- any of those words to do with the recession, like recessionista
- retard/retarded when used as a put down (don't even get me started on the ex-roomie studying psych, working with kids, who really should have known better than to be throwing that word around)
- gay when used as a put down
- douchebag annoys me very much for some unknown reason. perhaps residual ex-roommate issues.
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