(no subject)

Mar 10, 2009 13:44

Well, I haven't been around on lj much for past few months - at least not to post. I have been keeping up with reading my friends page and commenting here and there. I'm not sure why I haven't felt like posting on here, it's probably partly to do with not actually having done anything exciting and partially just because I'm rubbish and go through these long periods of can't-be-arsedness.

Quick catch up:

  • I'm moving house soon, away from my flat and over to near the park which will be nice, I can have people over for park parties!

  • I'm still in the same job, which I'm really grateful for as I know a lot of people who have had had real problems with redundancy etc. recently.

  • I'm going camping soon. Yay for the outdoors and insects and sunshine and stomping up hills!

  • I'm going to the UK Web and Minicomics Thing on March 28, where I fully intend to buy a large number of comics and then read them all on the way home.

  • Watchmen was bloody fantastic - I could happily watch the opening sequence over and over until my eyes fell out IT WAS THAT GREAT.
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