Title: Old Slippers (1/1)
silvernatashaRating: All Ages
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: She looked at him solemnly and told him that the road of life was a cobbled street. Harry/Luna.
Word Count: 376.
A/N: Written for
ficlet request: Harry/Luna and cobbled streets.
Even after living with Luna for three years, there were times when Harry just didn’t understand her. Oh, the words that came out of her mouth were English (most of them, anyway) and they probably made grammatical sense, but they just confused him. Harry could tell that she knew that he only half-listened to her sometimes, nodding and making appropriate conversational sounds, but it didn’t seem to bother her.
There were other times, though, when what she said made complete and utter sense. When he complained that he was starting to feel trapped and that he wasn’t getting anywhere in life, she looked at him solemnly and told him that the road of life was a cobbled street.
And he just got it.
Her description was so perfect. It wasn’t always easy to walk down a cobbled street, after all. Too long spent traipsing up and down Diagon Alley would hurt your ankles. Cobbles were durable, but they didn’t always agree with your feet.
Your choice of footwear was important, too. For a start, high heels were a definite mistake. Harry had learnt this several years previously after a night of heavy drinking. It was a mistake that he wasn’t keen to repeat. Life was a long journey and, if it were a cobbled street, you needed to be comfortable.
You couldn’t exactly go walking along this street in your favourite old pair of slippers, though. Harry didn’t have a favourite old pair of slippers, preferring socks to keep his feet warm. The idea of a favourite pair of slippers was something reliable and familiar. In a way, Luna was his slippers. She didn’t keep his feet warm - that wasn’t to say that she hadn’t tried on occasion - but she was always there for him.
Harry glanced at her sleeping form, smiling as he watched her regular breathing. She talked complete nonsense sometimes, but that was just what Luna did. She wouldn’t be his loony Luna if she didn’t. He rested his head on the pillow, toying with a lock of pale blonde hair.
If he tripped up on the cobbles, he had no doubt that she’d be there to help him back on his feet. Traversing the cobbles didn’t seem quite so difficult anymore.