Improvement - 1/1 - All Ages

May 30, 2006 20:44

Title: Improvement (1/1)
Author: silvernatasha
Rating: All Ages
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and all related characters belong to the BBC.
Summary: The Doctor was starting to regret landing the TARDIS in Cardiff. Ten/Jack.
Word Count: 450.
A/N: Written for androidlovesong's ficlet request: Jack/Ten and "Well, it's an improvement."

The Doctor was starting to regret landing the TARDIS in Cardiff. Considering that his ship had been getting less and less predictable since their accidental trip to the alternate world, it had seemed like a good idea to have a stop-over on the rift for a few days to see if it would help.

They’d spent a couple of days doing tourist-y things and generally avoiding trouble. Rose had been delighted to get some proper chips and go shopping and to see her so happy gave the Doctor a certain sense of pleasure, too. On their third day, though, things had suddenly taken an unexpected turn and things had led to the Doctor’s current predicament.

Trapped in a what was apparently the headquarters of an organisation which explored paranormal activity, the Doctor could hear the sound of metal feet making their way down the corridor towards him. The building had sealed itself off - there was no way in and there was no way out. His hearts were beating wildly and he really didn’t know what to do this time.

A hand grabbed his. “Run.”

So they ran. It was dark and the Doctor couldn’t make out who this other man was, but he knew he wasn’t one of the uniformed guards that had been escorting him and Rose. He was being pulled along by the hand, not knowing where he was going. As long as it was away from those abominations. Those poor souls. He just needed a moment to think.

A hidden door built into the wooden panelling opened and the Doctor was yanked inside. The door slid shut and a dim blue light filled the room.

The Doctor’s face lit up when he realised the man’s identity. “Jack!”

Jack Harkness’ face darkened. “Keep your voice down.” His dark eyes studied the Doctor for a moment. “Who the hell are you?” he finally asked.

“It’s me!” The Doctor realised that he might have to elaborate on that. “Me. The Doctor.” He pulled on his earlobe. “These used to be bigger.”

Confusion crossed Jack’s face. Then, “You’ve regenerated. I mean, I knew Time Lords could, but I…” His fingers traced along the curve of the Doctor’s jaw. “Well, it’s an improvement.”

“Oi. Cheeky. No need for that.”

“Wait.” Jack’s eyes widened. “That girl they brought in with you. That was…”

“Rose! Yes! Where is she?”

“I think she’s with Gwen.” Jack’s face broke into a grin and he launched himself forward, fingers tangling into the Doctor’s hair as he kissed him hard. The Doctor staggered back with the momentum; Jack pressed him against the wall. He finally pulled back, a smile playing on his lips. “So glad you’re here.”

- slash, * rating: all ages, ten/jack, fandom: doctor who

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