Title: Evening In (12/18)
silvernatashaRating: All Ages
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Ron and Hermione spend an evening catching up. Mention of Charlie/Hermione.
A/N: Written for
books_freckles weekly challenge #35: Companionship. Sequel to
Happy New Year.
Word Count: 500.
Hermione pulled the plate of chips closer. "What have you done with Pansy tonight?"
"I think she's washing her hair." Ron took a chip. "I think she's planning on pampering herself while I'm out."
"Shaving her legs?"
Ron wrinkled his nose. "As much as I appreciate the final product, I don't like knowing about all the work that goes into it."
Hermione laughed. "It kind of spoils the illusion, doesn't it?" It had been such a long time since they had spent any decent time together - when Harry finished work for the day, he would be joining them, too.
"I suppose you don't have that problem with Charlie."
She shook her head. "No, he doesn't have to spend much time shaving." Smiling, she took another chip. "I'm only just starting to get used to his habits, though. I mean, how does your brother eat so much ice cream?"
Ron shrugged, reaching for his drink. "I think he might be made of ice cream. It's probably in his veins. Is he cold?"
"Oh, no. He's hot."
Ron groaned. "I didn't need to know that."
"Come off it, Ron. You know we live together."
Frowning, Ron sipped his drink. "In my little world, I like to think that you're abstinent. And that Charlie sleeps on the sofa."
"He only sleeps on the sofa when he smells too bad after a day with the dragons." Hermione reached over, hugging Ron tightly. He pulled back, looking confused.
"What was that for?"
She shrugged. "For just... being a good friend."
"And letting you sleep with my brother?"
"Well, yes. That's very nice of you, too." Hermione kissed his cheek. "Although I like to think that we don't have to ask permission."
Ron sniffed. "Well, maybe you should."
"You think I should ask permission?" Hermione looked amused. "How much notice do I need to give? Do I need written consent if I want to do anything kinky?"
He pulled a face. "Missionary only."
Hermione snorted. "That's won't happen. Charlie's too lazy for that." She took another chip, chewing slowly. "I wonder if it has anything to do with all that ice cream."
"That's something else that I didn't need to know." He looked at her curiously. "Are you going to marry him?"
"We haven't really talked about that."
"That wasn't a real answer."
"What about you? Are you going to marry Pansy?"
Shrugging, Ron said, "If she'll have me."
"Of course she'll have you." Hermione paused. "Did I hear something about her getting a 'Property of Ron Weasley' tattoo on her arse?"
Ron's face flushed a bright red. "It wasn't a tattoo. It was eyeliner."
"How do you get eyeliner on your arse?"
He took a gulp of his drink. "We were%u2026 messing around and I wrote it there."
Hermione wasn't sure whether she was more surprised by Ron's nerve or Pansy's submissive tendencies. She grinned. "We should get together like this more often."
His face still red, Ron nodded. "Yeah. That would be good."