Title: The Weevil and the Hare (1/1)
silvernatashaRating: All Ages
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling and Russell T Davies.
Summary: Something strange was happening. Then again, what's 'strange' in Cardiff? Torchwood/HP crossover.
Word Count: 745.
A/N: Written for
magic_at_mungos who asked for Luna/Tosh and Weevils and
oz_the_bobble, who wanted Weevils.
Tosh impatiently waited for her PDA to reboot. Everything electronic on her person had died just a few moments ago, as though there had been some kind of localised EMP. She pressed the button on the side of her earpiece, relieved to hear the familiar noise of it working. For everything to suddenly stop working suggested that it was more than just a glitch.
“Jack? Are you there?”
“Good to hear your voice, Toshiko. What happened?”
“I’m not sure. Everything stopped working for a moment.”
“Disrupting technology like that is a little beyond their capabilities, Jack,” Tosh remarked, amused that he would suggest such a thing; Jack knew better than that. Weevils couldn’t do anything like that. “I’ll investigate when I’m back at the Hub.”
Her PDA working, Tosh gave a small smile at the screen as the green and red dots appeared on the map of Cardiff town centre. One stationary red dot was her, another was Ianto, somewhere within Cardiff Castle by the look at it.
The green dots were Weevils and this was all becoming like some giant game of hide and seek, only between Torchwood and carnivorous extra terrestrials. They had electronically tagged a dozen Weevils over the last month, knocking them unconscious and then putting a GPS tracking device beneath their skin. Rather like chipping a dog or cat, only these creatures were a little more deadly.
Tosh made her way down Queen Street, casting a careful glance a group who were presumably staggering home from a bar after a few too many drinks. Her grip tightened on her PDA. There was a Weevil not far from here, right in the middle of Bute Park, according to the signal its chip was sending. This mission was just to observe, not interact or capture. The chips were letting them observe the Weevils, watching the patterns of their movements to help Torchwood better understand their nature.
By the time Tosh arrived at the park, she had another reason to frown. Her scanning equipment was picking up signs that the Weevil was with a human. Surprisingly, this human was still alive and, if Tosh hadn’t known any better, she would have said they were standing face to face, as though in conversation. But there was only so much that one could discern from a couple of dots on a PDA screen.
Tosh made her way hurriedly across the grass in the darkness; she tapped the PDA screen, letting an arrow at the bottom guide her towards her target. She had to help whoever this person was. A name blinked up on the screen, identifying the Weevil - they had given each Weevil a name when they had chipped them. This was Arianrhod.
When was Jack going to stop Ianto naming things?
A flash of white light made Tosh stop in her tracks. She squinted against the brilliance of it, eyes taking a moment to adjust. When they did, she saw that the light seemed to have taken the form of what appeared to be a hare. It bounded across the grass in circles and, to Tosh’s surprise, the Weevil Arianrhod lumbered after it. It reached for the hare like a toddler trying to grasp a favourite toy.
A peal of delighted laughter caught Tosh’s attention. Looking over, she saw a young woman, blonde and ethereal, guiding the hare with some kind of pointing device. Tosh had never seen technology like it and she was a woman who had seen a lot of alien technology.
The hare leapt closer, about ten feet away. Arianrhod followed after it, ignoring Tosh completely. Tosh’s earpiece went dead, as did her PDA, just like before.
“Hey!” she called to the girl, concern tightening in her chest. Something very strange was happening and she couldn’t call for backup. “What are you doing?” Tosh reached for her can of Weevil-repelling spray.
The girl turned to look at her, eyes pale and grey in the bright light that emanated from the hare. “He just wants to play.”
“He is dangerous,” Tosh said as patiently as she could muster. It wasn’t even as though Weevils looked sweet and innocent. “You really shouldn’t be here.”
“I’m only looking. Watching. Just like you.” She smiled, watching the Weevil with delight.
Tosh’s brow furrowed. “Who are you?”
“Luna,” she said, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Everything went dark as the hare disappeared and Tosh’s PDA flickered back into life.
Arianrhod howled.