Title: The A to Z of Harry and Ron (4/4)
silvernatashaRating: Teen
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: A series of related, but not exactly sequential, moments in Harry and Ron's relationship.
T is for Trouble
The mud squelches as Harry throws himself down onto it belly-first. Ron grunts as he follows, elbow knocking against Harry’s shoulder.
The house behind them explodes.
Their hunt for the Horcruxes isn’t going well, Harry decides as he buries his face down against the ground. Glass rains into the begonias. His nose is sticky with mud when he finally lifts his head; the brown stuff covers the bottom half of his glasses, too.
“Is it just me,” Ron asks, disgruntled, “or are we good at finding trouble?”
Harry laughs. “It’s not just you.” He looks over at Ron - he’s pale beneath his freckles. “You alright?”
“Heh.” Ron wrinkles his mud-splattered nose. “Been better.”
It starts to rain.
U is for Umbrella
“I’m getting wet,” Ron whines. Harry sighed, yanking Ron under the umbrella so they’re standing chest-to-chest.
“Better?” Harry lifts the umbrella to accommodate Ron’s height.
“Don’t tilt it. It’s dripping down my neck.” Ron wiggles his shoulders and tugs his collar, sure he can feel a drop running down his back. Harry rolls his eyes, ignoring Ron’s wince as his hair catches in the umbrella. Harry’s glasses are covered in rain, yet he stays quiet.
“What’s it going to take for you to stop complaining?” Ron’s lips curve into a smirk at the question; Harry groans. “You forgot your umbrella on purpose, didn’t you?”
Brushing his lips over Harry’s, Ron murmurs, “Maybe.”
V is for Victory
Harry sits on the hill, looking down. His wand slips from his fingers, rolling onto the dry grass. Ron’s already sitting there, silent and nursing cut on his arm.
Next, Harry drops his sword, the bloody blade tumbling to the ground. Ron looks at the sword, then up at Harry.
“It’s really over, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Harry says finally. “It’s over. The war, Voldemort… all over.”
“We won.”
“Yeah, we did.”
They look at each other. They’ve lost so much in the last few months that winning doesn’t feel how they thought it would.
“About bloody time,” says Ron. “I’m starving.”
Harry groans. “Oh, I could kill for your mum’s cooking right now.” He grins, despite himself.
“Come on then.” Ron winces as he stands, holding his hand out to Harry. “Let’s go and do whatever it is people do when they win a war.”
W is for Weasley
“Give it to the Weasley,” Ron repeats, ears reddening as he threw the parcel down onto the bed. “The Weasley!”
Harry remains quiet, knowing it’s best to let Ron finish.
“You’d have thought by now that Moody would’ve learnt my name. It’s not like I’m one of the twins! None of us are identical!” Ron sighs loudly and flops down onto the bed next to Harry. Like almost everything else in Grimmauld Place, it creaks.
“Of course you’re not,” Harry assures him. “Just ignore Mad-Eye. You’re not just ‘a Weasley’. Never have been.” He nudges Ron with his elbow, making him look up. “Not to me, anyway.”
X is for XY
Hermione twists her hands in her lap. “I… need some advice.”
Harry narrows his eyes, this new occurrence unexpected. “About…?”
She chews her lip for a moment and then says, “Boys. Well, a boy.” Her cheeks flush. “A man,” she corrects.
Ron nearly chokes on the piece of Drooble’s he’s been masticating for the last hour. “What?!” Harry nudges him in disapproval.
“What sort of advice?”
“Well, general relationship stuff, I suppose.”
“Please don’t ask us sex questions,” Ron begs; Harry kicks his shin, hoping Ron will stop saying stupid things.
Hermione scowls. “Don’t worry, Ron. I’m not asking you how to give the perfect blowjob. In that case, I’ve found practice makes perfect.”
Ron groans, sinking back onto the sofa, hands over his face. “I didn’t need to know that.”
Y is for You
Ron fidgets under the covers, finally twisting around to look at Harry. He sighs. “Go to sleep. You’ve had a long day.”
Harry fingers slip under his glasses, rubbing his eyes. “You’d think that defeating an evil wizard would tire you out more,” he muses. “I just can’t seem to sleep.”
Arm snaking around his waist, Ron chuckles. “Just close your eyes.”
Silent for a moment, Harry says, “You know I couldn’t have done any of this without you...”
“And Hermione,” Ron adds.
“Shush. I kept it vague so I could give you both the same speech.”
“Cheeky sod.”
Harry frowns. “I’ve lost my train of thought.”
“Good.” Ron tugs Harry closer, eyelids drooping. “You can give me the speech tomorrow when I’m actually listening.”
Z is for Zzzzzzz
Ron snorts in his sleep. He does it every time he’s about to turn over so, on those sleepless nights when Harry finds himself staring at the ceiling and trying to remember the twelve uses of dragon’s blood, Harry’s well-prepared to grab the covers with one hand and hold them tight as Ron flops over, stealing them in his sleep.
He whines as Harry tugs, getting a little more of the duvet to himself, shifting again and leg kicking out at Harry’s. Harry just smiles to himself, even when he finds Ron breathing down his neck, lips brushing his nape.
Ron never believes him when he tells him how much he fidgets at night.