Apr 02, 2012 20:44
I've turned into one of them tonight. One of those dickheads who argue over facebook. And I'm just so damn angry I could keep going.
Usually I just laugh, have an extended whinge and whine and move on. I mean, I'm not going to say I dont hate the company I work for quite a lot of the time, but one thing I wont stand for is people attacking my colleagues, my friends and I because they're upset they missed out on a sale. Something that wasn't our fault to begin with. I keep seeing people bitching about it and for some reason I can't keep my mouth shut. I'm furious and distracted which is the LAST FUCKING THING I wanted to be tonight. I cancelled on a MICF gig tonight to get uni stuff done because I have to be at work tomorrow and wednesday and I have to go to Centrelink which takes up the other half of Wednesday. I have no time and currently no patience, I think if I manage to draw anything or write anything tonight then the character might get in some sort of accident or have their head chopped off. I'm not in a pleasant place and I dont like it. I dont like being angry like this.
I like being bitter and sarcastic but not angry.
work sucks,
fuck off,
a rare instance of work not sucking,
please take this hammer b4 i use it,
people infuriate me