One More Time: Hermione/Blaise fic

Aug 11, 2007 19:12

Title: One More Time
Author: silver_etoile
Rating: R
Complete: No
Pairing: Hermione/Blaise
Disclaimer: I solemnly swear that I do not own Harry Potter and/or any other characters used in this fic.
Warning: Angst, Pregnancy, Language, Lime
Summary: They broke up a year ago but Blaise still visits Hermione before any date she has. The night was no different but what happened after would change everything.

Reread: 1

The sunlight fell through the light curtains over the living room windows. The window was open a breeze fluttered the curtains, rushing into the small space and rustling the yellow roses that stood in a vase on the coffee table.

On the aqua-colored sofa, Hermione sat motionless, a piece of paper crumpled in her hand. She didn’t move as the breeze circled around her, blowing her hair across her face. Instead, she just stared at the floor.

She’d been sitting there for just under an hour, not moving. She had heard the neighbor moving in some loud piece of furniture, dropping it presumably on his foot, and the cursing that had followed. She had heard the Muggle mailman slip the post through the door. It was still lying on the doormat, waiting to be picked up.

She hadn’t moved, though. She was still in her business clothes; a grey skirt, white blouse, and black high heels. Her hair was pulled back into a loose knot and strands were slowly coming undone, but she did nothing to stop them.

The paper was clenched in her fist, not out of anger, but something else. Her eyes were fixed on the dark blue carpet and didn’t flinch as the sound of someone Apparating into her apartment came.

Blaise wasn’t pleased. He’d been in the middle of a luncheon with Jenna, his latest set-up from his mother. She had been tall, blond, and leggy. He’d been hoping to get much more than a lunch-date from this. His mother had never been good at selecting women, but Blaise managed to work it to his advantage.

“This had better be important,” Blaise said, annoyed, striding into the living room. “Jenna was certainly ditzy enough, but she would have been good enough for something.”

“Jenna, is it now?” Hermione’s words were flat, as if she was only attempting to form coherent words.

Blaise sighed. “Yes, next in line of possible Zabini heirs. She’s got all the qualifications; gold-digging whore with an amazing rack.”

Hermione made a noise somewhere between a snort and humph. Blaise glanced at her and paused. His eyes took in the way she was sitting and how she hadn’t looked at him this entire time.

“Why did you call me? She could have been well on her way to my house by now.”

Hermione didn’t reply right away. Instead, she sighed and her fist closed tighter around the paper.

“I need to ask you something.” Her words were stilted and aroused Blaise’s suspicions.

He moved closer, walking around the couch. Still, Hermione didn’t look at him, or even raise her head. “Yes?” he inquired, keeping a close watch on her.

Slowly, Hermione raised her head. Her expression was guarded. “Why do you always come here when I have dates?”

“You always ask and it’s always the same answer,” Blaise replied promptly. “Sex. It’s the one thing we did well together.”

“But we broke up,” Hermione said, her tone losing some of its neutrality.

“And we still are good at sex.”

“No!” Hermione exclaimed. Blaise was a bit surprised but said nothing. “We broke up. For most normal people that means they don’t see each other. They move on, date other people.”

“We do date other people.”

“It’s not the same!” Hermione was staring at him now, her eyes angry. “You shouldn’t come here. You shouldn’t want to still have sex with me. It’s not normal!”

“Have we ever been normal?” Blaise drawled. He didn’t understand why all of a sudden she was getting so upset.

“I was,” Hermione said angrily. “I used to be.”

“People change, Hermione. What’s the fun of being normal? If I was normal, I’d never be able to have as much fun as I do now.” He paused, eyeing her. “Now, if that’s all, I may be able to scrape an after-lunch drink with Jenna.”

He sighed, wondering why he bothered wasting his time in the first place.

He was only a few steps past the couch when he heard Hermione mumble something. He stopped, turning back to her.

“What was that?”

“I’m pregnant.”

Blaise froze. “What? How?!”

“You want me to explain it to you? Well, when a man and a woman-“

“No!” Blaise interrupted her. He could tell she was being sarcastic by the angry glint in her eye. “Are you serious?”

Hermione stood up and walked over to him. She handed him the crumpled piece of paper that was almost illegible. He opened it and read it through.

“I went to the doctor yesterday,” Hermione said stiffly. “They sent the owl this morning. I’m pregnant.”

“But, you can’t-It’s not possible,” Blaise said, flustered. His eyes scanned the letter again, taking in the doctor’s congratulations and news of the baby. He found the note snatched from his hands moments later by an enraged Hermione.

“Oh, it’s possible,” she growled. “And it’s all your fault, too!”

“My fault?!” Blaise repeated, staring at her. “How is this my fault?”

“You come here every time!” she shrieked. “You and I, we-you know! And all because you think sex is all I have for you.”

“It’s not like you’ve ever stopped me!” Blaise retorted. He was still in shock at the news, but he knew he couldn’t let her blame him.

“Like I have a chance,” Hermione sneered. “You always get what you want, Blaise, and you don’t listen to anyone else. You’re too stubborn.”

“I’m stubborn?!” Blaise repeated. “Talk about calling the kettle black. You have got to be the most stubborn person I’ve ever met!”

Hermione glared at him, her arms crossed over her stomach. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this angry with someone. She couldn’t believe she was pregnant, and with Blaise Zabini’s child. Of all people, why did it have to be him?

Blaise seemed to be thinking along these same lines because his expression turned suddenly suspicious as he looked at her.

“How do you know that it’s mine anyway?” he demanded. “You’ve been on plenty of dates with low-class men since we broke up.”

“Are you inferring that I’m a slut?” Hermione asked, her tone dangerous.

“If the shoe fits,” Blaise replied loftily.

Hermione’s eyes flashed. “I’ll have you know that I have not slept with any of the men I’ve been on dates with.”

“Bit of a prude, are we?”

Hermione made a strangled noise and her hand twitched for her wand. “You are the most infuriating man I have ever met! And you’re such a hypocrite!”

“How’s that?” Blaise drawled, crossing his arms defensively.

“You broke up with me because, and I quote, ‘you’re too young and innocent for me. I need someone with more experience. You don’t know how to let go, have fun.’ And yet, you come back to me every other week! Don’t see the contradiction? If I was a prude, do you dare expect that I would have let this continue?”

Hermione’s glare was intense as she stared him down. To say that she was angry would have been a gross understatement. She could feel the rage coursing through her veins as she glared at the man who had changed her life completely.

Before she had known Blaise Zabini, she had been perfectly happy thinking that someday she would grow up and probably marry Ron. She had been content hanging around with Harry and Ron and helping them with their various problems.

But then, he had stepped into her life. He had been quiet and mysterious. All the girls had come to notice him their last year at Hogwarts. He was the subject of most discussions when it came to boys.

Hermione had ignored them for the most part. By then she was dating Ron and she was as happy as she thought she could be.

Ron and she hadn’t lasted, though. She supposed she should have known their personalities weren’t truly compatible. They’d both moved on and Hermione went to date other people, only to find Blaise there.

Their initial courtship had been quick, a few dates over coffee before they were stumbling into bed in the middle of the day. Their relationship had been for the most part sexual, though Hermione had to admit she greatly admired his intellect when he cared to apply it.

They had dated for five months. Hermione had met his mother, whom she found to be a self-centered, vain woman. The woman was only concerned with her looks and the future of the Zabini name. Hermione had received a cold welcome and it had never really changed.

After five months, Blaise had called it off, citing that she was too innocent. Hermione wasn’t sure if she really believed that reason, but she’d had no evidence to the contrary.

She had been shocked to find him in her apartment before her first date with another man. She had been even more shocked to find out why he was there.

She knew she should have stopped it then, but at the time, she had still been attached to him. Since then, it simply continued until something inevitable had happened.

It had been three weeks since Blaise’s last “visit”. Hermione had been feeling a bit off for about a week and since it hadn’t gone away, decided the day before to visit the doctor.

They had taken some tests and told her she would get the owl the next day. The owl had come at noon that day. It had simply swooped in, dropped the letter on the table and taken off again. Hermione guessed this should have been a sign.

She had been completely unprepared for what the letter said. She couldn’t believe she was pregnant. This was not supposed to happen, not until she was married and living in a house far away from the city, not until she was steady and prepared.

She had a steady job now. She worked at the Ministry as a Magical Law Enforcer. She didn’t work out in the field much, but instead was training to become a judge. Since the demise of Voldemort, the Ministry had switched over to a fairer type of trial other than the Wizengamot.

Hermione sighed. She didn’t know what to do. She had absolutely no idea. This was not part of her plan.

“Look,” she said, willing herself calm. “There’s nothing we can do to change this. So we have to decide what we’re going to do.”

“Do?” Blaise said. “I don’t know about you, but this isn’t exactly how I pictured the day I would become a father.”

“You think I wanted it this way? We’re not even dating! What are people going to think?! What are they going to say?! What are we going to do, Blaise?!”

“I don’t know!” he exclaimed, losing any cool he might have still had. “I’m not ready for this.”

“Well, you better get ready! We’ve only got nine months to figure this out.”

“Why do I have to figure anything out?”

“Because it’s your fault!” Hermione yelled. “You came here. You wanted to have sex. You are the one who started this all! I was happy to just let it go. We broke up. That was supposed to be it! That was it! I was done. We were done. But no, you can’t keep it in your pants even to wait for the next slut to let you in her skirt. It’s not my fault you have no self-control.”

Blaise’s eyes narrowed but he didn’t say anything for a moment. “I didn’t force you to sleep with me. I have self-control. Maybe there’s another reason, did you ever think of that? And why should I bother to help with this? You have everything under control, don’t you? Nothing is ever out of place when Hermione is around. Well, I can’t fucking control everything like you can, so you can figure this out on your own!”

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Hermione muttered.

“Morning sickness?” Blaise asked darkly.

Hermione glared up at him. “No.”

Blaise rolled his eyes. “Well, you let me know when you’ve got it all figured out,” he said, turning and walking away.

Hermione’s eyes widened. “You can’t just leave!”

“I need some time,” Blaise replied, not looking back as he wrenched open the door.

“Time?!” Hermione exclaimed as she went after him. “We don’t have time. Nine months, that’s it. What are we going to do?!”

“I’m sure you’ll figure out something. You were the brightest witch of our age, after all.” And with that condescending remark, Blaise disappeared down the hallway.

Hermione stared after him, her mouth hanging open slightly. She only looked around when a neighbor’s door opened and they gave her an odd look.

She forced a smile. “Sorry.” She waited until they shut the door again before the smile fell. She sighed deeply and went back into her apartment, the door clicking shut behind her.

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A/N: Thanks for reading! And please review!

one more time, fanfiction, hermione/blaise

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