Apr 13, 2007 00:38

Title: Of Butterflies in a Hurricane
Author: roxierose13
Rating: NC-17
Complete: No
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: I solemnly swear that I do not own Harry Potter and/or any other characters used in this fic. They are all property of J.K. Rowling.
Summary: After Dumbledore's death and Draco's disappearance, Harry knows what he has to do. He must find and save his boyfriend while concealing the relationship, destroy the Horcruxes that will ultimately destroy Voldemort, and deal with his grief.  With Ron and Hermione by his side, he may just have a chance. ~Sequel to Falling Away with You~

Reread: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


Draco looked around quickly, a growing feeling of panic overtaking his previous feeling of success. He was standing outside the window from which he had just escaped. The building was no higher than a few feet off the ground and, as Draco watched it, it vanished into the ground.

He was now mercifully alone and vulnerable. A sloping hill covered in green grass stretched out before him, running over the crest of the hill and down to where a small river flowed. Draco knew he needed to go somewhere more sheltered before he was caught and punished, or worse, killed.

He quickly sneaked away from the open grass and over to where a small patch of trees grew. Draco supposed that this was the point set up for Apparition by the Death Eaters. He knew it wasn't safe there either, but it was at least a little less exposed.

He crept behind a particularly large tree, pressing his back against it and attempting to blend into the bark. He took a pacifying breath and tried to think clearly. A warm breeze ruffled the leaves on the trees surrounding him.

He looked down at the stolen wand he held in his hand. It would do for now but he needed his own. He knew Voldemort had taken it from him, though. He also knew that there was an exact replica at Malfoy Manor in the rare case that he ever lost his own.

When he had thought of his escape, he hadn't planned much further than actually escaping. He didn't know where to go; no where was safe to him anymore.

At the moment, he just knew he needed supplies. He needed a way to survive and there was only one way to do that.

He stood leaning against the tree, wishing he didn't have to do what he knew was necessary. He would have given anything not to. He closed his eyes for a second, preparing himself. His eyes snapped open as he heard a Pop on the other side of the trees. He had to get out of there, fast.

He carefully moved to the other side of the tree, edging around the wide trunk, away from whoever had just Apparated in. He told himself to suck it up and, in a Pop, he was gone.

He reappeared under the dark shade of a tree that towered over a large iron gate. A large M emblazoned the front of the gate. Draco looked up at the house that was set a little back from the gate.

It was a rather large, white Manor. It had to be at least five stories high. A marble staircase led up to the front door of the house. The two French-style doors took up a great deal of the front of the house.

Above the doors were numerous windows, each showing into a different room of the magnificent house. They glared down at Draco, who remained momentarily under the dark tree. The sky overhead was cloudy and overcast, shining a dull grey down upon everything.

Draco looked up at his home and sighed. He knew it was the only way he would ever survive. He needed the things that were in that house. He also knew how incredibly risky it might be.

He steeled himself and walked cautiously toward the front gates. A stone gargoyle that stood crouched on top of a small open building seemed to be watching his every move. Draco placed his hand tentatively on the gate and pushed it open. The gargoyle's eyes glowed blue and allowed him to pass, walking up the driveway to the Manor.

Instead of heading for the front door, Draco sneaked cautiously around the side, hiding in bushes along the way. He came around to the back and glanced up at a window on the third floor.

He stood there for a moment, contemplating how he might get in. He had known it would have been useless and incredibly reckless to use the front door. He needed to get into his bedroom where he would be able to get anything he needed.

He glanced around, his nerves beginning to get the best of him. His eyes fell on a tall, winding vine that crawled up the side of the house. Normally, Draco would have made a note of it in order to yell at the gardener about later, but, at the moment, he was silently praising the incompetent man.

It seemed so Muggle but Draco was determined and it was his only option. He placed his foot on one of the vines and hoisted himself upward, his hands grabbing the slippery vines. He climbed steadily upward, slipping occasionally. He managed to climb all the way to the third floor without having a major heart attack, quite an accomplishment in his mind.

He grabbed the wand from his pocket and pointed it at the window to his room. With a silent spell, he unlocked it and pushed it open. He slid inside, taking extra care to be quiet. He knew that casting any kind of spell would set off the detectors his parents had set long ago. They always wanted to know what kind of magic he was doing.

He tip-toed over the plush, white carpet, past the settee and table, right by the large, comfortable bed, and over to a large, maple door. He opened it carefully, praising the fact that it remained quiet. He slipped inside, wishing he could light his wand to see better.

He didn't dare, though, and just did his best. He took a moment to look around. Hundreds of clothes hung everywhere; shirts, pants, shoes, everything. He moved further within the closet that was really more like a small room.

At the very back was a small shelf that held several treasures of Draco's. On the end was a long, thin box. He took it down carefully, removing the lid and plucking out his own wand. He looked around furtively, as though he was afraid he was being watched.

He placed his real wand back in his own pocket, and, as an afterthought, put the stolen Death Eater's wand back in the box, shutting it quickly and shoving it back on the shelf. He glanced over the shelf, looking to see if there was anything else useful that he might be able to sneak away with him.

His eyes came to rest on a small black box. It held another packet of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder which he had ordered from the Weasley twin's shop last fall. He had only had one packet with him at school this past June. It had been one of his excuses to help him in his "mission".

He shoved it in his pocket before realizing he probably needed a bag. He turned quickly and rummaged through the room, searching for one of his old school bags. He noticed his school trunk sitting in a dark corner. Obviously, it had been sent home after his disappearance, after that night.

He wrenched his gaze away from it, resuming his search for a bag. He came back with a small shoulder bag. He shoved the Darkness Powder inside it and turned back to the shelf. He didn't see anything else that might be helpful, only small, personal treasures that seemed so useless now.

He threw off his clothes hastily, finally being able to change them after three days in a confinement cell. He reached for a wizard robe then stopped. If he was going to run and hide and probably fight, it would be better to be in more flexible clothes, less likely of becoming entangled in them. He moved his outstretched hand to another row of hanging clothes.

He grabbed a pair of Muggle jeans, one of the few he had managed to convince his mother to buy. He slipped on a tee shirt as well. Then he grabbed a few random pairs of pants and shirts, shoving them unceremoniously in his bag. He would shrink them later.

He turned to come face-to-face with his school trunk. He hesitated then reluctantly pushed it open. It looked just the same it had that night he had prepared for the "fulfillment" of his mission.


Draco stared down at his trunk, trying to calm the pounding of his heart. His books were neatly stacked inside, sorted alphabetically. His school robes were folded and pressed next to the books. His socks had been folded and stuffed into the corners of the trunk.

He took a long breath and reached over, closing the lid. He stepped back, staring at the trunk, the fear evident in his eyes.

He nearly jumped out of his skin as two hands slid around his waist. He whirled around, his eyes wide. He couldn't stop the painful beating of his heart as it slammed against his throat.

"Oh, god, Harry, you really shouldn't do that."

Harry said nothing for a moment and it was then that Draco noticed something was wrong.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

"We found one," Harry whispered. "Draco, are you sure?"

He didn't even have to ask what Harry was talking about. He turned away his head in shame, knowing he should give up.

"I can't stop," he said, the desperation present in his voice.

"But, please, Draco. Dumbledore, he knows. He can help." Harry's voice was pleading as he stared at Draco. The look pulled on Draco's resolve but he knew the consequences would be too great to back out now.

"Harry, I want to, but I can't. He'll kill me, Harry."

Harry's expression was heart wrenching and Draco wanted very much to tell Harry he would run away with him, but he knew the Gryffindor wouldn't do that either. It was just as much his problem as Harry's.

"But, Draco," Harry whispered, his voice breaking as tears began to form. "What if you have to-“

"I won't," Draco said swiftly, staring desperately into Harry's beautiful green eyes. "I promised."

Harry nodded, silent tears beginning to fall down his face as he stood in Draco's room. The sight of it made Draco want to burst into tears, but he knew he couldn't. Instead, he moved forward, standing awkwardly in front of Harry. He still didn't know what to do. He had never been conditioned on how to act in cases like these.

Harry sniffed, bringing up a hand to wipe away his tears. He closed the difference between them quickly, moving into Draco's arms. Draco's grip tightened around Harry as they stood like that for just a second. He ran a hand into Harry's dark hair, massaging the dark locks.

Harry's tears stained Draco's robes as he struggled to control his body. Finally, he knew he had to stop. Dumbledore was waiting for him. He moved back from Draco, his eyes shining with unshed tears. Draco watched him sadly, wishing he knew what to do.

Harry just sniffed again and moved in to kiss Draco softly. No moves were made to deepen the kiss. It was light but held a promise of things to come. Finally, Harry pulled away, staring at Draco.

"I love you," he whispered.

Draco lowered his head for a second then looked back at Harry. "I love you too," he replied quietly. Harry nodded quickly and slowly left the room, leaving Draco to turn back and stare at his now closed trunk, wishing that he could change what he'd done, but it was far too late now.


Draco stared down at his trunk, seeing the neatly folded clothes and books. It was almost a comfort to know that his things had not been touched in his absence. He reached into it, shoving aside the clothes until he came to the bottom of the trunk.

He pulled out a folded package and unwrapped it carefully. The paper fell away to reveal a silvery cloth that fell past the floor, pooling at his feet. It was one of his seventeenth birthday presents. He hadn't used it for the mission because he hadn't wanted any more advantage than was necessary to pull off a convincing act. No one knew of the Invisibility Cloak except himself, Harry, and his mother and father.

Lucius had managed another spectacular release from prison only days before another break-in was staged and all held Death Eater's had escaped. Draco knew his father was out there somewhere, probably on every alert for Draco's presence. Surely, he would know of his imprisonment.

Draco threw the cloak in his bag and dug once more in his trunk. He grabbed his book of advanced spells, shoving it deeper into the already full bag. He took one last look in the trunk then shut the lid quietly.

He cast one last glance around the closet before surmising there was nothing more he needed. He grabbed the heavy bag and slung it over his shoulder. He crept cautiously from the closet, making sure to close the door and leave everything as it had been.

He had just heard the final click of the door when a voice shot his heart into his throat.

"Hello, Draco."

He whipped around, fear gripping his chest. He forgot to breathe for several seconds as he stared at the person in the settee sitting opposite him.

"Mother," he said quietly, fearing being heard by other, less wanted, ears.

Narcissa looked at her son, her eyes a hard, cold blue. She rose from the couch and moved gracefully towards Draco, who moved away, weary of the woman.

"Draco, you shouldn't have come here," she said, her tone of voice completely different from the facade she presented. It was worried and scared. "You're father is somewhere close by. He is very angry."

"Mother, I-I didn't--" Draco didn't know exactly what to say. He didn't what? He didn't kill Dumbledore because he'd fallen in love with the Dark Lord's greatest enemy?

Narcissa let her cold mask fall for half a second as she looked at her son. Her eyes were full of desperate pleading. "Please, Draco," she said, completely surprising him. He'd never heard her plead before. "Don't succumb like your father has."

"I--" Draco was at a loss as to what to say. Instead, he merely stared at the woman he had respected for so long. He had thought his parents had always been all about the Dark Lord, answering his calls, serving him up like a pig on a platter to his cause.

Just then, another voice came seeping through the walls. It crept down Draco's spine, sending shivers all over his body, turning his body to ice.

"Narcissa? Who’s in there?"

Narcissa's eyes widened in fear as she turned to stare at the bedroom door. Draco was rooted to the spot as an unknowable fear seeped into his veins. Narcissa turned back to him, desperation gripping her.

"Go, Draco, go!" she whispered in a panicked voice.

He wasted no time grabbing his bag and flying to the window. The knocking on the door became more persistent as Lucius' impatience grew.

"Go!" Narcissa exclaimed.

Draco saw the fear in her eyes and knew there was no other way. With one foot out the window, he turned to his mother. He removed his wand from his pocket and she stared at him.

"I'm sorry, Mother," he said quietly, raising the wand. "Obliviate."

A suddenly blank look came over Narcissa's face. Draco sighed and shook his head, feeling ashamed. The pounding on the door increased, jerking Draco to his senses. He hastily threw his other leg out the window, climbing down the vines, hearing above him the crash of the door as it was thrown open.

He hurried down the vines then took off for the edge of the property that was obscured by tall trees. Just before he disappeared into them, he turned back to the house. In a window on the third floor, he could see two figures standing together; one of them gesticulating angrily at the other, who stood placidly by.

Draco turned away, a feeling of shame washing over him. He hoisted the bag higher and plunged into the trees, making for the other side and the rest of his life.

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A/N: Because I really want to finish this by July, I'm breaking my normal cycle of which ones I update when... :) So if you like it, you know what to do. And don't be afraid to leave reviews, really, I don't bite... unless you want me too ;) hehe

obiah, fanfiction, harry/draco

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