You Can Write (But You Can't Edit), original fiction, nc-17

Nov 07, 2010 13:06

You Can Write (But You Can't Edit)

Author: silver_etoile
Artists: Art #1 by khallandra
Art #2 by morcalivan
Art #3 by magickaldreamer
Word count: 49,551
Rating: NC-17, graphic sex (slash)
Warnings: None
Beta: silverdragon87
Summary: For most of his life, TJ has lived in the shadow of his twin brother, compared and judged against him by just about everyone. Perhaps he lets it get to him too much, but he just can't help it. He was hoping college would be a turning point, and maybe it will be if the new guy in his life is any indication.
Copyright Notice: All characters herein are mine. Any similarities to persons living or dead is a coincidence. Don't steal or I'll cut you *evil eye*

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

Notes: Another big thanks to my artists. All three did wonderful jobs and I love each one of them equally. Everyone, please, go check out their work and give them due praise in the form of comment cookies. As to the story, this came about when I thought to myself, I never write about siblings, ever. I have one but I never write about them and I’d like to write something involving their dynamic and see how it goes. Admittedly, I thought the focus would be more on the slash side of the story, but it turns out my siblings just took over in a way I’m very happy with. I hope you guys enjoy it too, so please let me know what you think!

original fiction, slash, fests make me happy

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