The Master List

Jun 11, 2025 19:59

Welcome to my fic journal which is filled with lots of boy love ♥

Peruse and read at your leisure.

Harry Potter Fics: Draco/Harry
A Business Affair
Read it in Russian!
Summary: Harry is married and happy. Well... not happy, but he gets by. Several years after Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy makes a sudden reappearance in his life and the results are disastrous.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapter: 42

A Business Affair: The Supplement
Summary: Some things weren't quite resolved in ABA, like whatever happened between Ginny and Michael, or Harry and Draco...
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

A Fine Line
Summary: Maybe Draco starts these fights for a reason, and maybe Harry reacts for another.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

A Little Less Conversation
Summary: Harry still hates Potions and a certain blond doesn't make things any easier, especially when he's assigned as Harry's tutor.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

A Little Unbroken
Summary: ~Sequel to "A Mess to be Made"~ After a confusing day at the set, there are some lingering questions between the boys. RPS.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

A Mess to be Made
Summary: An overzealous fangirl wins the chance to direct her favorite Harry Potter actors in a short film and things get a little out of hand. RPS. ~Check out the sequel, A Little Unbroken.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

A Save Situation
Summary: Blaise is happy. Draco is not. Why? Because Blaise's boyfriend is the one and only Harry Potter.
Rating: NC 17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

A Time Long Past
Summary: Post DH. Sometimes, things just need to come to a close.
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

A Very Merry Un-Birthday
Read it in Chinese!
Summary: Harry forgot Draco's birthday and must now make it up to him in a very big way.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: AU No magic. A rich, successful man, Harry Potter has everything he wants including a wife and a little fun on the side. ~Check out the sequel, Beautiful Oblivion.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

All Hallow's Eve
Summary: Harry doesn't like the idea of the Halloween "Ball" but he's forced to go anyway. Everything is fine until his secret is slipped...
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: It's awfully lonely in a room built for two all by yourself
Rating: PG 13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 4

America Bound
Summary: School in America, what could be worse? I know, Harry and Draco stuck together! A last ditch attempt for foreign relations, can Harry and Draco pull their heads out of their asses to get a long on this new continent?
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 8

An Insightful Escapade
Summary: Harry has done something (or rather, bought something) and Draco finds it hard to accept his quirks, but there just might be a way...
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Aquamarine Guitar
Summary: Harry and Draco are invited to a Ministry event, and it's unlikely they'll ever be asked to attend again...
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

At Midnight
Summary: In which Draco learns that he does, in fact, like Pina Coladas.
Rating: PG 13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Beautiful Oblivion
Summary: Life as a pool boy can be pretty boring but not when there's something to play with... Sequel to Adrift.
Rating: NC 17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Best Intentions
Summary: Of all the things Harry never meant to do, falling in love with Draco Malfoy had to be top priority. Warning: Character Death
Rating: NC 17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Bottle Blue
Summary: It's Halloween. Who knew a kitten could lead to so much? Harry learns something about Draco he never knew.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: Sometimes, Harry just can't take it. (Non-slash, single character)
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Burning Up the Atmosphere
Summary: Draco is hot and Harry isn't really helping
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Catch Me If You Can
Summary: Criminals are after Draco and a certain Auror has been assigned to protect him, but things are not always as they seem.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Coercion and Confusion
Summary: Harry witnesses something and begins to question himself. Will Draco be more of a hindrance or a help?
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 13

Control is Lost
Summary: ~Sequel to Make Me a Match~ Harry plans a little revenge but not all goes as planned.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Counting the Days
Summary: Draco doesn't function too well when he and Harry have a fight. It's a long 7 days. Song fic.
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Dear Harry
Summary: 5 yrs post-Hogwarts. (HBP Spoilers) Harry receives some letters long overdue, but who is sending them? Will Harry truly accept them?
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 5

Deep Breath Before the Plunge
Summary: Harry has unresolved issues with Malfoy and seeks him out, but he'll get more than answers. Sequel to A Time Long Past
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Falling Away with You
Summary: As Draco is pulled from the castle, he watches his life fall apart. ((Check out the sequel, Of Butterflies in a Hurricane))
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Incurably Criminal
Summary: AU No magic. Harry attends St. Brutus' Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys. Draco is the new kid and they start an odd sort of relationship...
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 10

Into the Closet
Read it in Russian!
Read it in Spanish!
Summary: Harry and Draco are stuck in a closet for a night. What's there to do? Fight, of course! And perhaps something else...
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 17

It's Over
Summary: The War is over, HBP didn't happen, Draco wants to change his image, and there's only one way to do it...
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 7

Je te Souhaite les Etoiles
Read it in Chinese!
Summary: It's Harry and Draco's anniversary and Draco has a little surprise for Harry.
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Let Them Eat Cake!
Read it in Chinese!
Summary: It's always better to make things by hand. Unfortunately, Harry and Draco's adventure in Muggle cooking doesn't go exactly as planned.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Let's Pretend
Summary: If Draco could just pretend, everything would be alright. Will Harry's wish ever come true?
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

London Calling
Summary: Sequel to Welcome to Paradise: Harry can't stop thinking about the mysterious boy and when a chance to find him arises, he seizes it.
Rating: PG 13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Lovingly Lettered
Summary: Harry's receiving some interesting notes and they are disturbing his day! Who is sending them?
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Make Me a Match
Summary: A matchmaking scheme gone awry, Harry is furious, Seamus is in trouble, and Ron is confused...what else is new. Oh, and Draco has plans of his own.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 5

Make This Moment a Crime
Summary: Draco comes home to find something he never expected or desired. Char Death.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Mind Games
Read it in French!
Summary: Ron's bad spell work causes some unusual results. Harry gains a bit of insight into his closest friends and worst enemy.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 15

Summary: Harry hates Draco, or so he thinks, but what if he realizes his feelings too late? Does he have a chance?
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Mmm Mmm Good
Summary: All Draco wanted was some soup... What he got was so much more.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 4

Not What it Seems
Summary: Ron finds out something he didn't need to know by way of a Quidditch accident.
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Of Butterflies in a Hurricane
Summary: ~Sequel to Falling Away with You~ After Dumbledore's death and Draco's disappearance, Harry knows what he must do; save his boyfriend while hiding the relationship, destroy the Horcruxes that will destroy Voldemort, and deal with his grief. With friends by his side, he'll try.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 33

One Week
Summary: Harry and Draco have a fight. Neither will admit they were wrong, at least, not yet... Song fic
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Paid in Full
Summary: Harry and Draco have an adventure in the shower. Perhaps Ron and Neville need their hearing checked.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Paint Me Blue.
Summary: Potions can have many effects when they're made correctly, but what about when they're not? Ron and Harry have an adventure in the wonderful world of Technicolor. (NOT H/R)
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

Pandora's Box
Summary: Alone but together, Harry and Draco have the perfect relationship. Nothing can break it apart... or can it? Char. Death
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

Paper Flowers
Summary: At breakfast one morning, Draco receives an odd gift.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

Schoolboy Secrets
Read it in Chinese!
Summary: Returning to school is always hard, but especially when there's something to hide.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 2

Summary: Sectumsempra isn't exactly the spell Harry uses that fateful day in the bathroom.
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Slipping Through
Summary: An end-of-the-year party gone awry. People have plans hidden away and somehow Harry and Draco get caught in the middle.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 8

Smokin' Hot
Summary: AU, No magic. Harry needs a break from class and retreats to the bathroom, only to find something he never expected, but is more than willing to accept.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 17

Tell Me Lies
Summary: Harry can't help wanting Draco, and on Christmas Eve, something happens to change him forever.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

That 70s Harry Potter
Summary: Harry and Draco have broken into Snape's private stores and found something to make them very happy. That 70s Show mini-parody.
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

The Devil is Bad
Summary: The Devil is bad, but Harry doesn't think so.
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

The Morning After
Summary: Harry tries desperately to remember the night before.
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

The Runaway
Summary: After the final battle, Harry disappears. Everyone is looking, but no one can find him. Will Draco be able to? Song fic.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Through The Looking Glass
Summary: AU. There are two Harry's, evil and good. Through a twist, evil Harry and friends are thrown into good Harry's world, where they try desperately to return, but not before things go a little haywire...
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 7

Time Management
Summary: Draco changes the past and gets a little more than he bargained for.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 15

Under the Moonlit Stars
Summary: Harry and Draco have one last night together.
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Unfortunate Love
Summary: Harry can be a bit forgetful at times but Draco doesn't mind... most of the time. 100 word Drabble.
Rating: G
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Valley of the Sun
Summary: ~Sequel to London Calling~ Harry and Draco have been sent to Phoenix, Arizona on a business venture. Draco's having a problem focusing.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Welcome to Paradise
Read it in Czech!
Summary: AU No magic. It's spring break for Harry! At a beach in Hawaii he meets a blond who will blow his world away. ~Check out the sequel, London Calling.
Rating: NC 17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

With Lime
Summary: Perhaps Draco shouldn't drink so much on Holiday. 100 word Drabble.
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

HP: Hermione/Blaise (other het)

Summary:There are many differences between Hermione Granger and Blaise Zabini, although his actions might not be so accidental.
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: Hermione has been given a dare, but the consequences are more than she expected.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

Summary: Blaise fantasizes about something he can never have, then decides to take matter into his own hands.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

Of Books And Orchids
Summary: Twenty-seven birthdays have passed with little significance, but Hermione's 28th will prove to be quite different.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

One More Time
Summary: They broke up a year ago, but Blaise still visits Hermione before any date she has. The night was no different, but what happened after would change them forever.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 24

Summary: Ron knew he wasn't best for Hermione, but she didn't believe him. [Ron/Hermione]
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

HP: Other M/M pairings

Anatomy Of Hate
Summary: Regulus hates James Potter. [Regulus/James, marauder-era]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Badgers And Snakes
Summary: Zacharias Smith is not interesting in anything to do with Slytherins, but one in particular doesn't seem to be getting the message. Turns out Slytherins are persistent little buggers. [Zacharias/Blaise]
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Broader Horizons
Summary: Scorpius remembers a lot of things. DH spoilers. [Albus Severus/Scorpius]
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: Sirius and James are lost, what's there to do when you're all alone in the wilderness? [Sirius/James]
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: Seamus was a flirt and it didn't bother anyone. Well... except Dean, that is. [Seamus/Dean]
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Gno Place Like Home
Summary: Ron's upset when his mother doesn't listen to him and decides to run away. He finds a place with the gnomes for a while... Non-slash, single character. Features little!Ron (age 4)
Rating: G
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

In the Jungle
Summary: Mrs. Weasley finds out why Ron broke up with Hermione, and it's not exactly what she expected. [Ron/Blaise]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Shut Up and Smile
Summary: It's the end of the year party. Some people are drunk and some are not as they seem. [Blaise/Seamus]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

The Amorous
Summary: Blaise is jealous when his Charms partner, Terry, seems to have a thing for Ron Weasley. Never underestimate the power of a jealous Slytherin. [Blaise/Terry]
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

The Fool
Summary: Scorpius doesn't believe in Divination, Albus maybe a little too much. [Albus Severus/Scorpius]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

X-Men fics: John/Bobby (movieverse)

An Honest Mistake
Summary: Rogue knows she can't give Bobby what he needs so she allows him to go elsewhere. She didn't expect him to find something he wanted more.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: I can't get your body out of my mind. Bobby saw something unexpected and now can't stop thinking about it.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: John always knew Bobby would be his downfall, he just didn't know it would happen so soon.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Inner Truth
Summary: There are some things John doesn't like to admit to himself when it comes to Bobby
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

I Feel Fine
Summary: Bobby doesn't understand why John keeps pushing him away when there's nothing standing in the way.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

If Ice Could Melt
Summary: John knows what Bobby needs, whether he believes him or not. Set right after protestor scene.
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: It's been three years since John has recieved one. And today it came in the mail like nothing had ever changed...
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Secrets and Lies
Summary: Bobby has a secret...
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Other Fanfiction:

Crush Crush Crush
Summary: Set after Seventeen Candles. Nate comes over to apologize but Chuck is already there. [Gossip Girl: Chuck/Blair]
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Original Fiction:

Summary: They’ve been polite, minding their own business since they’ve been back, but there’s only one day left. One day and one last runway show. To the cameras they’ve called each other bitches with bad taste levels, but they’re all still there sipping wine and worrying about tomorrow. [slash]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Blame the Night
Summary: Nathan doesn't expect being stranded on an island to be any kind of fun, especially when he meets Alex, the kid who talks too much and is surprisingly shady about where he comes from. Removed from his spoiled existance, Nathan is left to figure out what to do, and it doesn't really help that Alex has a few secrets of his own. [slash pairing]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: No

Bob & Rosy
Summary: Bob has one best friend, too bad no one else sees it that way. [general fiction]
Rating: G
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Coffee Break
Summary: Dillon lets out a breath, knowing he isn’t imagining it when Fitch’s fingers brush against his waist as he reaches for one of the mugs or the way his chin dips down for half a second against his shoulder. [Slash]
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Half A Lie
Summary: Two months ago, Cody kissed his best friend. [slash pairing]
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

In The Stacks
Summary: You like watching me. You like trying to figure me out, if I’m really the bad kid, why I got expelled from my last school, if it’d be worth it to help me find this book that I’m not really looking for. Part two of the Preposition Series. [slash]
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

In These Summer Clothes
Summary:  After a difficult year at college, Joshua is excited to come back to summer camp, this time as a counselor, excited to see old friends, one in particular, but he finds that not everything can stay the same no matter how much you wish it. [slash]
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 4

Inside Cars
Summary: Cole doesn’t apologize, pulling off his shirt and reaching for Parker’s. There isn’t much room to maneuver in the cramped back of Parker’s car, and Parker’s knee hits the back window as he tries to find a better position, but he forgets about that fairly quickly once both their shirts are off and Cole’s mouth closes around a nipple. Part six of the  Preposition Series. [Slash]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

On A Blue Bed
Summary: For a moment, Parker’s not worried about Cole’s parents and if they really are out or where they’ve gone - when they’re coming back, not when Cole is settled on top of him, hips pressed to his, thrusting up as he grows harder, breaking the kiss with a gasp, but Cole doesn’t let him go far, biting at his bottom lip and sliding a hand up his chest. Part seven of the Preposition Series. [Slash]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Once Upon A First
Summary: “What are you afraid of?” Keiran asked finally, pushing himself up and pulling up his jeans, closing them. On Xander’s questioning look, he sighed. “I mean, are you afraid people are going to hate you if come out? Or are you scared that you’ll come out and no one will care at all? How do you know Jay doesn’t already know? Are you so embarrassed by this that you just won’t tell anyone?” [slash]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

One Foot In
Summary: Being a Phaser sucks, and Owen hates the most when he gets stuck in things like his locker or the wall, but it gets especially bad when his crush is the one to find him stuck this time. [slash pairing]
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Out Of The Closet
Summary: “Why don’t you believe me?” Chris grins. “Gee, I don’t know. Perfect Parker making out with the school bad boy in a public library? That sounds just like you.” Part four of the Preposition Series. [Slash]
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Sprawled In The Park
Summary: “Your parents must really hate me.” Cole leans down, running his tongue up Parker’s neck to his ear. Biting the lobe, he shifts, crawling more on top of Parker. “Only letting you out of the house to study… in the summer.” Part three of Preposition Series. [Slash]
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: Tyler is not having a good day. They've run out of gas, in the middle of the desert no less, and Austin is taking things entirely too lightly for his liking. Austin just wanted Tyler to relax but it's definitely more of a challenge than one would think. [Slash]
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

The Gentleman's Handbook
Summary: Adam's been in Chicago a whole month and he's already more than ready to give up and go home, but a botched Christmas party and some unruly mistletoe sets a change in motion and he might discover that Chicago is not so bad after all. Prequel to White Christmas. [slash pairing]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

Through The Static
Summary: Preston wouldn't call himself Jack Kerouac and this road trip isn't turning out much like On The Road, but that's not the point. In fact, he's not sure what the point is at all anymore and asking Oz will just get him more confused than before. [slash pairing] 
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

Under The Bleachers
Summary: A warm breeze swirls around him and he doesn’t think about the dirt or the insects or that it’s after school hours and campus is closed. He doesn’t think about it because Cole is on his knees in front of him, rough hands holding his hips still, fingers pressing bruises into his skin. Part one of Preposition Series. [slash]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Under The Gun
Summary: Ten years after high school, Parker has a boring day job, satisfied parents, and no love life to speak of. He hasn’t seen Cole since that fateful summer and doesn’t expect to any time soon. When he’s fired from his job, though, Parker finds himself in an unfamiliar world filled with choices, some much more tempting than others. Part eight of the Preposition Series. [Slash]
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

Under The Maple Tree
Summary: As they stand there under the tree, alone amongst the rolling fields, two days from probably never seeing each other again, a weird feeling swells inside him, but he knows. He knew from the beginning that this was just temporary. Part five of the Preposition Series. [Slash]
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary: All Zeke wants is a job where his boss isn't constantly checking out his ass, and it would be nice if his roommate stopped mistaking his frustration for a ridiculously idiotic crush. [slash pairing]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 3

White Christmas
Summary: Despite Micah's claim of being a hardened lawyer, his eyes give away his heart, and Adam loves that about him. [slash pairing]
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

You Can Write (But You Can't Edit)
Summary: For most of his life, TJ has lived in the shadow of his twin brother, compared and judged against him by just about everyone. Perhaps he lets it get to him too much, but he just can't help it. He was hoping college would be a turning point, and maybe it will be if the new guy in his life is any indication. [slash pairing]
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 6

Glee Fanfic [Kurt/Blaine]

Green Apple Sunsets
Summary: “That was the song you sang the first time we met,” Kurt says, rising from the floor where he’s been attempting to organize the boxes into something other than a mess. He joins Blaine at the window, smiling softly when Blaine’s hand entwines with his.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Late-Night Study Session
Summary: Kurt didn’t even know that the college library closed. He’d just sort of assumed they were perpetually open for students cramming for last-minute exams or writing papers they should have started weeks ago. He never knew that after two AM, the stacks got dark, the doors were locked, and everyone went home. Everyone but them.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

Summary:  Four stories of Kurt and Blaine, or you could look at it as a progression of their relationship if you prefer. Stories can be read separately or together. Basically... porn.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

One First, Two Firsts
Summary: Blaine wants to say something but he doesn’t know what, can’t think of anything that will somehow encompass the moment, so he leans in, brushing his mouth against Kurt’s. His fingers slide up, cupping his jaw, and then Kurt is on his back, kissing Blaine in a way he never has before. Reaction fic to S03E05.
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Chapters: 1

( Master List con't: Bandom (Panic, FOB, MCR, TAI/CS ) )


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