birthday one...two

Jan 07, 2008 17:12

It was a busy weekend.. 
But first i must be thankful to my mother in law and my mother for the time they have given to take care of little Edgar so that i could have such an exciting and  fun weekend! my lovely wife who was with me throughout the 3 days (except the sat morning) of here and there for foods and funs celebrations.

Not that i am older..but the more  older you are..the more you need to keep the heart young! 
And i gladly  love to do that.:P

Not to forget... I even had an extra surprise party from my own family on the New Year Day...I do not celebrate with my family for many years..I can't recall when..partly because i was always out during my birthdays! :D 
This year during a simple family dinner at  Coris..(as mentioned at the previous  post above..) it was really super duper surprise ...i was "sway" away by a false serious illness issue and fell into the trap!! Anyway i am very touched by the gesture.. 

 at Coris with the "Corisans" on the left.  

 my first brithday photo with my babies!

Friday evening.. with my mother in law staying and I took the  opportunity to go Orchard for a shopping trip 
...okay she got me a present which I think i really need..ahahha
and of cos.. something for Edgar as well...some Japs CDs for myself...
 We headed for steaks at Outback ...a place which we have not visited since my birthday 3 years ago... somehow it has a place in our heart :D  So the evening there was like a re-visit of the past..hahaha ..well here the photos lah!! 


birthday, photos, family, life

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