So I missed writing in here on New Years Eve. That's because we didn't get to bed until after 6 am.
Got up at
mashfanficchick's father's and had breakfast and coffee. We didn't do much of anything until RK got there in the afternoon and then we spent some time discussing what things were needed for sitting Shiva Thursday after the burial. So we went out to BJ's and did the shopping for that.
Then we dropped the stuff that we had bought, and loaded up RK's car with things for New Year's Eve.
And we got to Liz G's place around 7.
We ate and chatted for the early part of the night, then we played Jackbox games and another game with our phones and RK's computer that involved coming up with dubbed lines for old movies. They were both ery fun
At 11:58 we turned up the volume on the streaming broadcast of Times Square, and counted down to New Year's. I shot off one champagne party popper, and had some pickled herring and we drank the spumonte that I had from last year. I called Middle Brother, and The Kid, and the FWiB called me.
Two of the six people there had to leave right after midnight, sadly, so RK drove them both home.
mashfanficchick went with him to pick up some stuff from zer apartment. So I stayed with Liz G.
When they got back we played Dominion after we packed up a bit. That lasted longer than we intended and we didn;'t get back to
mashfanficchick's father's place til after 5. We brought everything up and put it away and then RK left and we just went straight to bed. It was 6:09 am.
Today we got up at 12ish when zer father knocked on the door. We moved things around and did a lot of straightening up for Shiva.
Then we had lox and bagels and cream cheese, but their coffee maker wasn;'t working. After we ate ze and I went out to Dunkin' Donuts and I got coffee, and we went to a Rite Aid but they didn't have what ze needed.
We came back and put on a lod of laundry, and then ze thought of some people ze hadn't notified about zer mother's death, so ze had to struggle to get in touch with one person who knew others to pass the word.
Dani and John and the kids, who came in from Ohio yesterday, came in the evening, and RK picked up Josh from the airport. We had sushi and an informal Shiva-type more "close almost family" type get together.
Eventually I went back with Dani and the kids to their hotel while the guys helped get the apartment into shape for Shiva. I played games with Winnie while Dani bathed Theo.
RK picked me up with Josh, and dropped Josh off at Liz G's place (she's his sister), then drove me home/
I fed the pets, and Skyped the FWiB.
Then I caught up here, and now I need to go to bed.
Gratitude List:
1. The FWiB.
2. A Happy New Year's Eve.
3. RK.
4. The Kid.
5. Everyone coming together for
mashfanficchick 6. 2025 is here.