Child Porn is an Artform hmmm?

Dec 28, 2004 17:38

A little Something I found in prince_of_chaos's journal

may I first say that I'm sorry if I am offending anyone by supporting this cause (except you you fucking child rapists!), I know lots of people read/watch porn, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that (depending on the type of porn of course 0_o). Sex is a natural part of human nature. Being sexually attracted/involved with someone is normal, unless that someone happens to be the seven year old boy you were ogling at the pool If you catch my drift. I understand that everyone has different beliefs on what should be done at what age, but the line has to be drawn somewhere people.

"Help stop child pornography on LJ.
As those of you who read my last post know, today I happened upon a community called shota that contained gratuitous child pornography. Afterwards I told my friend aeka and we filed a report to lj in an attempt to get it suspended.

Here's how they responded:

Dear user,

While we certainly understand why you find this material offensive, it is not a violation of LiveJournal's Terms of Service to post content such as this. Several years ago, the United States legal system determined that images which simply depict underage people is not illegal; it is only illegal if a real person is present in the image. As LiveJournal strongly believes in protecting its users' freedom of speech, the Abuse Team does not act in matters where content which many people may find objectionable is present if the Terms of Service have not been violated. We can only suggest that if you find the content in this community disturbing that you simply choose not to read it.

LiveJournal Abuse Team

Well, I suppose if they have to respect all LJers' freedom of speech, then they'd have to respect mine aswell.

So, if you believe in this cause, then get your voice heard. Copy and paste this entry in your journal to tell your friends about it and warn LJ that you won't tolerate child pornography under any circumstances. If enough of us rally together, I'm sure that we can overturn the rule. "
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