There is something very mellowing

May 31, 2008 01:25

...about the sound of rain. Even a torrential downpour.

Perhaps especially a torrential downpour. :grin:

Also, having a roommate who has to work early means having a roommate who goes to bed early, and when I'm home, I get the house to myself for a bit. :contented sigh: I honestly can't remember the last time I just chilled out on my couch, watching movies and hanging with the dogs.

My days have been turning around.

Earlier this week, I was only scheduled 20-30 hours a week for the full month of June, (instead of the 60 or so that I had been working previously - :panic:) - but we figured out that it was mostly based on a miscommunication of availability, and I have about half of those shifts back now. Yay! I'm still wavering around the 40hr/wk mark, but I know that other people are going to call in sick, (and will need replacements), and I've put my name out there for more freelance jobs next month. I'm not sure yet what this means for me trying to go to Gallaudet for a few weeks this summer, or for me taking the second half of my national test, but I can put off deciding about that for a week or two. It would be a shame to miss my friends in DC and my family in South Carolina, but perhaps I could finagle some time away that wasn't even connected to a sign language event! :grin: Unheard of, I know! Sadly, with fewer hours next month, I'm also not sure if I'm going to be to keep up my credit card payoff plan to be done next year, but I'm doing what I can. Today, I sent off a check that will mark 10k in credit card debt that I've paid off since last year! Damn, but that feels good.

Pistachio pudding is tasty.

Today was supposed to be my day off, but I worked for just an hour or so instead, and even turned down driving to Ann Arbor for another job. Afterwards, I called my mother to meet halfway to go shopping and generally walk and talk. At the very last place I kept picking out things that would look good on her, but she would never pick out for herself. EVERY SINGLE TIME she tried on one of the tops I picked out for her, she would tilt her head to the side while looking in the mirror and saying "I like this more than I thought I would". :grin: This is a good summary story for my mother.

Days off are fun, and necessary.

Yesterday, I had most of the day off to hang out with my sisters. Yup, surprisingly, BOTH of my sisters. I went to lunch with one sister and her daughter (off school for an eye exam), and we met up with our other sister and three of her girls for shopping and chatting. I found a pretty outdoor hanging butterfly for half the cost that I thought it would be, and limited myself to that. It was the first time I'd seen or talked to my sister since, well, our conversation, and it wasn't nearly so awkward as I feared it might be. She was very warm, and hugged me immediately, and told me that she took her daughter out of school early, just to make sure she got a chance to come hang out with me. I'm sure we'll talk more later, but for now, it's good to know things can still be okay.

I think one of my dogs just farted for a solid 30 seconds. Yup - that was confirmed. Sweet Jesus - what did you eat, girl?!?

On a lighter note - Eddie Izzard as Disco "Disco is not dead, Disco is life!" Tony makes me very happy. Relatedly, Mystery Men is a good, fun movie to watch even while distracted online. "How many times do I have to explain it to you, Lance Hunt wears glasses, Captain Amazing doesn't!" Also - how do I keep forgetting that Dane Cook is totally The Waffler? Good times.

Good times.

"You are a genius."
"That's what the card says."

I want to dress as a Word Ninja for Halloween. :grin: Or at least put it on a business card.
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