I'm so geeked!

Apr 21, 2008 23:05

I've finally caught up a bit in the technological arena - that's right - I'm posting from my brand new (to me) laptop! I picked up Lucy's MacBook on Sunday in what must have looked like the geekiest parking lot deal - wait, scratch that, we were just outside a con - buying a laptop is tip of the iceberg as far as geeky trade-offs go!

We met first for lunch and general conversating, and then I was indoctrinated to my very first con experience. I still can't say as I've ever attended one, but at least I got to swing by for a bit. Before we even crossed the parking lot, I'd run into two more people I knew (hugged and got ribbons before even entering the hotel!), and within 30 seconds of walking in, I was already flirting with Jessy and getting surprise hugged by Brendan! I wandered towards ops (Oops) for a bit and ran into other fun peeps that I've met over the years, as well as new friends from the Lansing area. I think I could trace back everyone I knew to Skennedy, even if he wasn't around when we met!

I had a fabulous time visiting with folks and only left to go home and relax for a bit before going out with Adrie and Carrie for snarky book perusing and meeting up with Sken and Luce later for dinner and the Kung Fu awesomeness that was "Forbidden Kingdom". :grin: Even though my own (religious interpreting) weekend workshop wasn't quite what I had expected it to be, I still had a lovely weekend with friends and hugs and signing and swimming and a little time away for myself. I've been feeling more and more relaxed these days, even if I don't show any signs of slowing down any time soon! :grin:
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