Head not on straight

Mar 29, 2006 20:49

Just don't get things sometimes, I have just spent three days pulling apart my entire CD collection that is in, on or around my desk trying to find one music CD, ripped my car apart, my bedroom to the point where it now looks as if a bomb hit it. I had given up and resigned myself to asking for another copy from the original source and then lo and behold I had to go to the medicine shelf in the pantry to grab bandaids etc to patch up the munch-kin and voila there it was tucked up underneath the tea tree oil. I have no clue how that CD got there at all, I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure the whole thing out and I am still drawing a blank. I know no one else put it there just me... just don't get it.

Hmm not that I uselessly rambled I think that it is time to get back to my Risk assignment.


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