Mar 12, 2006 07:44
Hmm - it is 7:15 am and I am still exhausted.... grrr my brain feels completely fried, two weeks into uni and the closest I can get to describing things is that old drug ad where they had a frying pan and an egg "This is your brain on drugs" and then proceed to smash the egg and kitchen... right now it feels like "this is your brain at Uni" smash ! I have done more work in the last two weeks than I normally do in the first month back. The two lecturers I have really wanted us to hit the ground running, my first paper is due next week, then presentation and paper a week after that one so on and so forth, 6 pieces of assessement, three presentations, two before peers and 1 before members of the faculty and guests... gah.... need more slash... to top it all off I just finished answering the worst selection criteria I have ever come across. Talk about completely ambiguous!!
Anyway it is Sunday morning I am going to make pancakes, listen to Poe hopefully some of her energy will spill over, maybe find a decent CSI slash story...