Mar 08, 2015 17:53
Long time no see.
I started this journal three years ago because my close friend Becca had one. No other reason.
Now I am a working grown-up, still pursuing the writing career but following the path of a scientist too, I have returned!
How did I not realise how cool this all was?!
No matter that I am 99.9% likely to be talking to myself, I would like to try using this journal. There are so many (too many) sites for this sort of thing these days, tumblr and pininterest and fb an twitter and do I need to go on? I cannot keep up with them all. I like to scroll through and be nosey on some , but I don't use them for myself (except fb, but that's to stay in touch with friends).
I am keeping it simple. I have my own website, you can find it in the links bar. It is simple, very low maintenance, and does the job of advertising my novels. I have a deviantArt account to marvel at pretty pictures.
That's it, what more do I need?
But this looks cool, a place to relish in my nerdiness for stories and characters. I am going to give it a go.