
May 30, 2009 21:01

I saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine last weekend. I have more complaints than praise, but overall I did enjoy it, I just like nitpicking.

Other than his powers, the Victor in Origins bears no resemblance to the Sabertooth in X-Men. I don't think they ever call Victor Sabretooth or Sabretooth Victor, so it's possible they are different people with similar powers. I liked that Victor called Wolverine "Jimmy." It's cute.

The beginning was largely unnecessary. There's no point in giving someone a tragic origin if it doesn't affect the character, and we didn't see any sign that Wolverine ever gave a second thought to his parents or the angry mob that chased him from his home. All it did was establish him and Victor as brothers and Wolverine's habit of screaming in grief and rage before running off to kill someone, and I could have done with less of the screaming.

Gambit and Wade needed more screen time. They'd have done better to have spent less time telling us Wade never shut up and more time letting him talk. C'mon writers, "Show, don't tell" is Writing 101. Quicksilver should have run ahead as soon as he was released, but I was happy to see him at all. Gambit's fight scene was pretty cool.

I liked seeing young Scott, but he was unnecessary, especially since there's nothing about him knowing Striker in X2. The bit with him and Emma was cute though.

I will accept the idea of mutants, unbreakable metal grafted to a person's skeleton, and retractable blades that pop out of a person's knuckles, but three-foot swords that pop out of person's hands? That's taking willing suspension of disbelief too far. How does he bend his arm when the swords are retracted?

That about sums up my thoughts. As I said, I did like it, there were just things that bugged me. Like so many sequels and prequels that weren't planned from the very beginning of the series, it doesn't quite fit with the other movies' canon. As a stand-alone, it's a mostly decent super-antihero action movie with physics-defying fights, explosions, betrayal, and shouting in grief and rage before running off to kill someone. I'll probably buy it once it's out on DVD.


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