Work woes

Feb 14, 2009 14:13

Last week we learned the company will be closed Presidents' Day. It is not a holiday. We can use vacation time or unpaid leave.

Monday we learned that the company has lost $10 million, although most of that is in the printing division, and our little branch only lost $1 million, which apparently is a good thing. Also, one of the other teams in our building is eliminating two positions, although we were not told if people were being fired, shuffled around within the company, or leaving on their own and not being replaced.

Thursday we learned that the journal I work on is not renewing their contract. We have them until the end of the year, then they are switching publishing companies.

Yesterday we learned that our biggest customer is also not renewing their contract at the end of the year.

Other than "we'll continue doing the best we can and make them regret their decision," we have heard no plans for the future. Of course, there isn't much planning they can do at this point. The workload will still the same until early December, when the last issue of the year mails, and then it will stop. They need all (or at least most) of us until then, and no one knows how the company will be doing in ten months. All things considered, I expect it will be doing worse.


Also, Sis has started bringing her things over. Today we have to move the TV and exercise equipment into the storage area of the basement, where it is very cold and will be crowded, but there should be room to use it. We also have to move my dad's huge and heavy desk back upstairs. Next weekend she is throwing a bridal shower for a friend of hers, and it is being held here. I do not know if I am invited, and if I am, whether I would have been if it weren't being held at my house. I should probably find out. The same weekend is her baby's baptism, which also has a party because her husband's family does things like that. Fortunately Mom's school is letting her use the auditorium, so we don't have to clean and prepare for one party only to clean it all up to prepare for the second.

It is not all bad. Somehow I ended up with a 3-day weekend with no plans except moving things downstairs and Fastnacht Keuchels (homemade doughnuts, yum). I was volunteered to help with Sis's moving, Bro's cleaning and moving, and preparing Keuchels, but Bro's moving day got pushed back a couple weeks, Mom and Dad apparently decided they didn't need my help, Sis hasn't asked, and my aunt decided she could make the Keuchels by herself. I feel a little bad about not helping Mom and Dad while they clean out the construction debris from Bro's house, but I am happier this way (I did spend two weekends painting Bro's house, and one evening at Home Depot picking out more paint and faucets). Bro and Sis are not the most grateful of people. They expect help, expect it to be done quickly exactly the way they want, and don't seem to realize that the people who are helping them don't have to. I know they are my family and I should help my little siblings, but a "thank you" would be nice.

Bah. Bro's moving will be done soon. Weather will be warming up so working out in the basement won't be so horrible. I lived with Sis for most of my life, I can put up with her for another year, and even if I can't, Mom has said if it's unbearable Sis will have to make other arrangements because this is my house too, Grandma and one of my aunts have offered to let me move in with them, and my other aunt said she would offer if I weren't allergic to her pets. I don't think living with Grandma or my aunt (and her two little girls) would be any less stressful and annoying than living with Sis, but it was flattering that they offered (they didn't extend the invitation to Sis, and Grandma at least has the room).

I need to get something accomplished. I want to go to the library, but it's cold enough I don't want to walk and close enough I feel silly driving.

family, work, life stuff

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