New job

Aug 14, 2008 22:50

The editing job is going well. I'm now reading one journal instead of the dozen or so I had to keep track of before, which is nice. It's an immunology journal, so most of it is gibberish to me. On the plus side, all the pictures are either graphs or dyed cells. Generally, the easier it is for me to understand an article, the more disturbing the pictures. I do not miss reading the Journal of Trauma, although that one was certainly educational (it turns out that you really shouldn't run with knives).

I'm not doing much editing yet though. I'm still in training, and the editors have jobs to do, so they don't have much time to train me. I'm doing a lot of proofreading. It's a different stage of proofreading though, and I have more control. I can say not to change things that go against style or don't make sense, and tell other editors that their marks are unclear. I like that. It's not much control, but I don't need much.

I've only copyedited two articles so far, but the other editors said I did a good job on them. Hopefully I will get more soon.

My coworkers are pretty quiet. One woman chats on the phone a lot and laughs loudly, but everyone else seems content to work without much socializing. This makes me happy. There might even be a chance I have something in common with some of them, which is just mind-boggling. They use verbs when they talk! And conjugate them correctly! (The women I used to sit near were very nice and friendly, but sometimes listening to them talk made me cry inside.)

I no longer dread going to work or spend the day watching the clock and daydreaming about what I would do if I left early. I still don't look forward to work, but my attitude has improved immensely. However, since my training is so slow, I have a lot of free time. I don't know if my good attitude will continue when I actually have to work all day instead of surfing the 'net and daydreaming, but right now things are good.
I've lost twelve pounds so far. I'm pleased, although I've reached the "I don't care how many points it is, give me cheesecake" stage of the diet.
Baby Donny has jaundice. Or, as my sister spelled it in her email, "gondus." Spelling has never been her strong point (one year she wrote about hanging ordainments on the Christmas tree. This isn't entirely her fault. For some reason she thinks there should be a d in "ornaments," although no one else in the family pronounces it that way, and spellcheck suggested ordainment and she accepted it without question). Anyway, the doctors think Donny will be fine and it's a mild case, so he gets a light-up blanket and frequent doctor visits. Technically Donny is a premie, but only by a day. He's seven pounds. Michelle is happy he came early.

work, diet, life stuff

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