Dec 15, 2006 23:29
I heard the Pina Colada song the other day, and it reminded me of my younger self's odd interpretation.
I never really listened to it when I was little. The only line that registered was "If you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain," only I didn't hear the "comma and" in the middle. Actually, I still don't hear the "and," but I looked up the lyrics online and three websites put an "and" in there. Who am I to question the magical, all-knowing internet?
Anyway, I heard "if you like pina coladas getting caught in the rain," and never understood why anyone would want their pina colada to be rained on. Or why it was a common enough occurrance for someone to write a song about it. At some point my young mind connected this oddity to the little umbrellas in drinks. Obviously pina coladas did get rained on, and the drinkers were always prepared.
Now I know the real lyrics. I'm not sure, however, that a song about two people so unhappy with their stagnant relationship that they both turn to personal ads, planning to have an affair and/or abandon their partner with no warning, then meet each other through said ads and laugh about it, their relationship revitalized and no one hurt or betrayed, makes any more sense than a song about liking one's umbrellas drinks mixed with rain water.