(no subject)

Jun 21, 2014 23:40

Conversation between my parents:

Mom: If you were stranded on a desert island, what book would you want with you?
Dad: "How to Build a Boat".
Mom: I think you're missing the point.
Dad: It's a good answer!
Mom: *sigh* If you were on vacation for a very very very long time...

Today I put frozen banana and mango in the blender. While the blending process was more difficult than the internet had led me to believe (the blades forced the frozen fruit up and then just whirled around without doing anything, so I kept stopping to scoop out the puree and force down the big pieces. Eventually we added milk, which helped), the end result was a sweet and creamy dessert. I should have used more mango and less banana, and it froze solid when I put it back into the freezer instead of staying ice cream-like like the one recipe said it should. This may be because of the milk, although it's odd that milk would make something less ice cream-like. I'm looking at other blenders/food processors to see if I can find something small (we don't have much kitchen storage space) that would work better than what we have now. I might also try buying different blades for the blender or chopping the fruit up into smaller pieces before freezing it. Still, in spite of the trouble with the blender, I'm calling this a success and am planning to experiment with other fruits.
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