Car woes

Apr 09, 2012 23:51

Got into my car this morning, running late as usual. Put the key in the ignition, turned it...rururu. Rururu. Vrrr-ru.

I think I'm leaking oil (because after nearly 5 months, the oil splattered all over my engine should have finished dripping, but the car's still leaving stains in the driveway), so I check that first, even though the oil light isn't on (but battery and check engine are). Because my ability to fix a car is pretty much limited to adding oil and changing a tire. Oil level looks good, but I put in a bit extra anyway. No good (but I did get the hood to latch on the second try!). So I send an e-mail to work saying I can't come in and dig out the receipt for the new, under-warranty battery.

Mom came home. Car wouldn't start for her, but she put it in neutral and on the second try the engine turned over. Why? What's wrong with the car? Is there any point in taking it to the shop if the problem has gone away? Does it matter since I was hoping to buy a new car this summer and had already started researching car models, and have no intention of putting more money into my current car?

So we went car shopping.

I've decided not to get a Yaris or a Prius. I would like to get a Prius, but it's such a huge car around me, and the rear visibility is not so much poor as peculiar. Matrix and Corolla are possibilities, as is the Impreza. None of them were "oh wow, this is perfect", but they are all good choices. This weekend I will test drive a Mazda 3 and a Ford something-or-other. Focus? Fit? Whichever is in the same class as the others.

If my car hadn't started for Mom, I probably would have bought one tonight. Since it did start and didn't give us any more problems, though, I'm going to think about it longer and do some more research.

I kind of wish my car hadn't started. I'd have a new car now if mine were Most Sincerely Dead. Oh well. More time to consider and compare is not a bad thing. And if they all have pluses and minuses and come out about even, then I'll take the one with the prettiest colors.

life stuff, car

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