Tada! I told you I'd write ;]
So! My plan for a happier and healther me.... Where to start? I guess I should start with my weight and whatnot. I weigh somewhere around 185 pounds, I'm 5'2, and I wear size 15 jeans. Before my pregnancy, I weighed 145, was 5'2, and wore a size 13 jeans. I wasn't much smaller than I am now, but I felt a lot healthier. I didn't smoke, which I do now, I didn't drink, which I do on occasion now. I don't like the taste of any alcohol, so I think that plays in my favor for my need to lose the weight. I don't have a job. I did, but was promised help to go back to school, so I quit. The hours were insane, and I got mostly no time with EJ, so it was probably good for me as a young mom to quit anyways.
So that's a little background on me. I am officially out of cigarettes right now, so I'm going to start my crazy attempt to quit smoking today as well. If I can quit that, I can do anything! =]
Here it is.
So far today, I've eaten to pieces of a four meat / four cheese calzone ring, and a bowl of coco puffs. Not such a good start, I agree. But, this was before I decided I was doing this. I might as well start out as honest as I can. I smoked two cigarettes this morning, and now I'm out. Hoping this goes by quick. I miss the days of not being addicted. And everyone knows it definitely isn't healthy.
My goal is to eat two pieces of multi grain whole wheat toast every morning with laughing cow cheese on top, and some variation of lowfat yogurt as breakfast. It's healthy, and I'm not worried about calories. As long as they aren't empty calories, I'll be happy to eat them. =]
Lunch is going to be a recipe including boneless, skinless chicken breast, spinach leaves, tobasco sauce (optional) and some type of multi grain carb. I'm trying my best to pay special attention to the food pyramid, and grains are on the bottom (meaning you eat the most of them).
Dinner is where I'll eat the smallest meal, as hard as that may be. Turkey, fresh frozen veggies, and again, some type of multi grain carb sound pretty well balanced to me. I might even take on a fish recipe if I feel spontaneous! (Tip: I've heard from a blog that I read quite often, that you should make a pyramid out of the meals you eat as well. Starting with breakfast as the biggest, lunch a little smaller, and dinner the smallest, with two little snacks in between).
Snacks... I'm thinking yogurt and fruit. Of course, these are subject to change depending on what I'm craving at the time. Maybe a piece of turkey and some almonds or peanuts instead. (Tip: snacks are just as important as your other meals of the day. Eating every two to three hours will keep your metabolism working at a good pace, which is where your resting calorie burn will come from.)
The worst part for me.
I live in the middle of nowhere. For the most part, I'm inside watching tv or cleaning the house. Just recently, I started getting things together for a yard sale, which means a lot of cleaning and reorganizing. On the plus side, I live just up the hill from an amazing little creek, and only about two miles from my best friend's house. The people on the roads are really crazy, so I don't feel comforatble taking EJ out with me in the stroller when I go on my walks. I will eventually have to break myself of this fear.
My plan is to do some kind of good, physical acitvity at least three days a week to start off with. I'll have to refer back to this entry a lot since I know my plans will be changing a lot. I'm thinking a walk to the creek at least once a week, a walk to Tay's house once a week, and I might try to do a workout on the last day. EJ is at daddy's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so I'm going to try for the workout day on Friday, and the walk to Tay's on Sunday. That leaves me the rest of the week for errand running and Saturday to relax with Ty. =]
There are a few blogs that I really LOVE to read, whether they're weightloss and fitness, wellness, style, DIY, or wedding blogs. I'll post a few of them here, and make references to them any time I use their info in a post. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do =]
Fitness / Weightloss