Update #1

Jul 16, 2013 18:16

So stuff has been happening, but the longer I put off writing about it the bigger the task seems about writing about it. So let's just do this thing.

-Kerstin and I went apartment hunting. We found this place we loved. It was a 2 bedroom with a loft. Kerstin would take one bedroom, I would take the loft, and our third roommate would take the master bedroom and pay more in rent. It was a nice apartment in a decent location, etc. i insisted we look at a few more places just to be certain.

After driving around looking at places, we decided that place was the best place we had looked at (one place thought we were a gay couple...). As we drove back to my parent's place, where Kerstin had picked me up, we encountered some traffic. As we inched forward, we learned the traffic was caused by an accident.

Kerstin got really excited. She told me about one of her old friends, a former firefighter, who had taught her how to read accidents. She sat tall in her seat and leaned forward and stretched and tried to get the best glimpse of the accident we could. She gave me a reading while we sat at a red stoplight.

To be honest, I don't really care much for accidents. I feel like the only person in the world who doesn't care. But I don't care. A car is just a car, whether it's in good shape or bad. I made noises like I cared, though, because Kerstin was really passionate. She's a serious girl, so it was nice to see her get excited.

Kerstin was looking so hard at the accident that she failed to notice the light turning green and the other cars turning left. The car behind us honked.

Kerstin jumped and called him a name.

"GO!" I yelled, my patience wearing thin.

Kerstin went, then paused in the intersection to look at the accident. I had to shout again. The other car passed us in the intersection. He glared at us as he passed us.

Kerstin muttered and swore about him. I tried my best to stay on her side, but I did let it slip that maybe he was right to be angry. Kersti brushed that off. We hit traffic again, and she began to text her boyfriend and glancing up to check traffic. I began to seriously wish I had driven.

She hung around the parent's place after dropping me off. We chatted about movies and Italy and airports. We looked at the apartment layout online and began planning where we would put our furniture. Sonny and Slinky would go on the wall outside of Kerstin's bedroom, to prevent people from hitting the wall when she had to go to bed early.

After she left, I checked my bank balance and did math and realized that I could not afford to move.

I talked about it with Lacey the next day and she said I needed to talk with Kerstin about it ASAP.

So I did. I arranged to meet with Kerstin outside the grocery store near our prospective apartment. We sat with our doors opened and I apologized repeatedly but I just could not afford to move and anyway I should focus on my education. Also I was sorry. Really sorry.

Kerstin nodded. I asked if maybe she wanted to hang out anyway, see Pacific Rim or Despicable Me. No, she was seeing that with some other friends. Okay.

We haven't talked in the week since.

home, friends, via ljapp

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